[ESS] "foreign" languages in R and ESS

Stephen Eglen S.J.Eglen at damtp.cam.ac.uk
Mon Nov 21 11:18:06 CET 2005

 > Once you know to solve the R part,
 > for you, it might help to define an R shell skript,
 > say 'R-ukr' containing
 > #!/bin/sh
 > LANGUAGE=<...>
 > LC_ALL=<...>
 > export LANGUAGE LC_ALL LC.......
 > R $@
 > where you must replace <...> with the correct string for
 > Ukrainain, make the script executable ("chmod +x R-ukr") and be sure
 > that it is in your PATH {conventional would be to have it in $HOME/bin/
 > and add $HOME/bin to your PATH}.
 > Now with a recent version of ESS (5.2.10 is sufficient),
 >     M-x R-ukr
 > would automatically work.

Almost... but not quite.  If the script is called R-ukr, I don't think
it will be picked up by ESS;

ess-r-versions's value is 
("R-1" "R-2" "R-devel" "R-patched")

so, either do:

1. call the script R-2-ukr and then it should be found.

2. set ess-r-version before ess is loaded:

(setq ess-r-versions '("R-1" "R-2" "R-devel" "R-patched" "R-uk"))

See doc string of ess-r-versions for more details.


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