ESS hangs when starting R from Xemacs

Scott, Steven Sscott at
Sun May 25 00:06:17 CEST 2003

ESS hangs when I start R (by typing M-x R) in Xemacs.  I get a gray
bar (fontifying...) at the bottom of the screen.  The bar disappears
almost immediately and the message "Type C-h m for help on ESS version
5.1.21" appears in the command line.  Xemacs freezes (basic commands
like C-b and C-f do nothing).  After about a minute I get "Timeout
waiting for prompt.  Check inferior-ess-prompt or ess-loop-timeout."
Although nothing ever appears in the *R* buffer, the R process seems
to be running because when I type C-xC-c Xemacs asks if I want to kill
R before I quit.
I think the problem is with ESS rather than R because I can start
either Rgui or Rterm from the command line with no trouble.
_____ My system: _______
1) Windows XP running Cygwin
2) Xemacs version 21.4 running cygwin as a shell (i.e. when I type M-x
   shell I get a cygwin BASH shell)
3) R version 1.7.0
4) ESS version 5.1.21

______ my entire init.el file_________
(setenv "HOME" "c:/cygwin/home/sscott")
(global-set-key [f5] 'enlarge-window)
(global-set-key [f6] 'shrink-window)
(global-set-key "\C-cl" 'goto-line)     
(global-set-key [end] 'end-of-buffer)
(global-set-key [home] 'beginning-of-buffer)
(put 'upcase-region 'disabled nil)
(put 'downcase-region 'disabled nil)
(put 'downcase-region-or-word 'disabled nil)
(put 'upcase-region-or-word 'disabled nil)
(require 'ess-site)
(require 'tex-site)

______ Output from the *ESS* buffer: _____________
(ess-setq-vars-LOCAL): language=SAS, dialect=SAS,, comint..echoes=nil, comint..sender=comint-simple-send
(ess-mode-1): ess-language=SAS, ess-dialect=SAS 
(ess-mode-1.5): alist=((ess-local-customize-alist quote SAS-customize-alist) (ess-language . SAS) (ess-dialect . SAS) (ess-mode-editing-alist . SAS-editing-alist) (ess-mode-syntax-table . SAS-syntax-table) (inferior-ess-program . inferior-SAS-program-name) (ess-help-sec-regex . ^[A-Z. ---]+:$) (ess-help-sec-keys-alist .  ) (ess-object-name-db-file . ess-sas-namedb.el) (inferior-ess-objects-command . objects(%d)) (inferior-ess-help-command . help("%s",pager="cat",window=F)
) (inferior-ess-exit-command . endsas;
) (ess-loop-timeout . 500000) (inferior-ess-primary-prompt . ^) (inferior-ess-secondary-prompt . ^) (comint-use-prompt-regexp-instead-of-fields . t) (inferior-ess-start-file) (inferior-ess-start-args . inferior-SAS-args-temp) (ess-local-process-name)) 
(ess-mode-1.6): editing-alist=((sentence-end . ;[ 
 */]*) (paragraph-start . ^[  ]*$) (paragraph-separate . ^[  ]*$) (paragraph-ignore-fill-prefix . t) (adaptive-fill-mode) (indent-line-function quote sas-indent-line) (require-final-newline . t) (comment-start . \*\|/\*) (comment-start-skip . \*+) (comment-end . ;\|\*/) (comment-column . 40) (parse-sexp-ignore-comments . t) (ess-set-style . ess-default-style) (ess-local-process-name) (tab-stop-list . ess-sas-tab-stop-alist) (ess-mode-syntax-table . SAS-syntax-table) (font-lock-keywords-case-fold-search . t) (font-lock-defaults quote (SAS-mode-font-lock-keywords))) 
(ess-setq-vars-LOCAL): language=SAS, dialect=SAS,, comint..echoes=nil, comint..sender=comint-simple-send
Finished setting up ESS-mode.
[ess-site.el]: ess-customize-alist=((ess-local-customize-alist quote SAS-customize-alist) (ess-language . SAS) (ess-dialect . SAS) (ess-mode-editing-alist . SAS-editing-alist) (ess-mode-syntax-table . SAS-syntax-table) (inferior-ess-program . inferior-SAS-program-name) (ess-help-sec-regex . ^[A-Z. ---]+:$) (ess-help-sec-keys-alist .  ) (ess-object-name-db-file . ess-sas-namedb.el) (inferior-ess-objects-command . objects(%d)) (inferior-ess-help-command . help("%s",pager="cat",window=F)
) (inferior-ess-exit-command . endsas;
) (ess-loop-timeout . 500000) (inferior-ess-primary-prompt . ^) (inferior-ess-secondary-prompt . ^) (comint-use-prompt-regexp-instead-of-fields . t) (inferior-ess-start-file) (inferior-ess-start-args . inferior-SAS-args-temp) (ess-local-process-name)) 
[ess-site.el _2_]: ess-customize-alist=((ess-local-customize-alist quote SAS-customize-alist) (ess-language . SAS) (ess-dialect . SAS) (ess-mode-editing-alist . SAS-editing-alist) (ess-mode-syntax-table . SAS-syntax-table) (inferior-ess-program . inferior-SAS-program-name) (ess-help-sec-regex . ^[A-Z. ---]+:$) (ess-help-sec-keys-alist .  ) (ess-object-name-db-file . ess-sas-namedb.el) (inferior-ess-objects-command . objects(%d)) (inferior-ess-help-command . help("%s",pager="cat",window=F)
) (inferior-ess-exit-command . endsas;
) (ess-loop-timeout . 500000) (inferior-ess-primary-prompt . ^) (inferior-ess-secondary-prompt . ^) (comint-use-prompt-regexp-instead-of-fields . t) (inferior-ess-start-file) (inferior-ess-start-args . inferior-SAS-args-temp) (ess-local-process-name)) 
(R): ess-dialect=Initial-dialect, buf=*scratch*, start-arg=nil
(inferior-ess 0): ess-start-args=--ess  
ess-setq-vars-default 0: ess-language=Initial, -dialect=Initial-dialect, buf=*ESS*, comint..echoes=nil, comint..sender=comint-simple-send
ess-setq-vars-default 1: ess-language=S, -dialect=R, buf=*ESS*, comint..echoes=nil, comint..sender=comint-simple-send
(inf-ess 1): lang=S, dialect=R, tmp-dialect=R, buf=*scratch*
(inf-ess 1.1): procname=R temp-dialect=R, buf-name=*R* 
(inferior-ess) Method #3 start=/home/sscott/ buf=*R*
(ess-setq-vars-LOCAL): language=S, dialect=R, buf=*R*, comint..echoes=nil, comint..sender=comint-simple-send
(inf-ess 2.1): ess-language=S, ess-dialect=R buf=*R* 
(inf-ess 2.2): start args = --ess , inf-ess-start-args=--ess  
(inf-ess finish [S(R), Rterm(nil,nil)]
(ess-multi 0):  inf-ess-start-args=--ess , comint-..echoes=nil
(i-ess 1): buf=*R*, lang=S, comint..echo=nil, comint..sender=comint-simple-send,
(i-ess 2): buf=*R*, lang=S, comint..echo=t, comint..sender=inferior-R-input-sender,
(ess-setq-vars-LOCAL): language=S, dialect=R, buf=*R*, comint..echoes=t, comint..sender=inferior-R-input-sender
(i-ess 3): curr-buf=*R*, comint..echo=t, comint..sender=inferior-R-input-sender,
(ess-multi post inf-ess: start-args=--ess , comint-echoes=t
(ess-multi 1):  start-args=--ess  
Making Process...Buf *R*, Proc R, Prog Rterm
 Start File=nil, Args= --ess .

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