Fw: installing

A.J. Rossini rossini at blindglobe.net
Tue Sep 3 02:01:22 CEST 2002

>>>>> "lhomer" == lhomer  <lhomer at attbi.com> writes:

    lhomer> I think I have received this message 3 times now. Your
    lhomer> email or mine?

twice.  Once to you, and once to ess-help.  I send to ESS help so that
it gets archived, and so that hopefully it reduces the number of times
I have to send mail to people.

With Emacs Lisp, compiling means "byte-compiling" (i.e. like Java, NOT
like C).  So, it turns out that it is optional, *.el files are just as
good (slightly slower) than *.elc files.

ESS should do two things for R:  

#1.  M-x R   (ESCAPE-x R) should run R within (X)Emacs.
#2.  loading an file with a ".R" suffix should put it into R-mode, for
     editing assistance. 

Which are you talking about?

A.J. Rossini				Rsrch. Asst. Prof. of Biostatistics
U. of Washington Biostatistics		rossini at u.washington.edu	
FHCRC/SCHARP/HIV Vaccine Trials Net	rossini at scharp.org
-------------- http://software.biostat.washington.edu/ ----------------
FHCRC: M: 206-667-7025 (fax=4812)|Voicemail is pretty sketchy/use Email
UW:   Th: 206-543-1044 (fax=3286)|Change last 4 digits of phone to FAX
(my tuesday/wednesday/friday locations are completely unpredictable.)

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