C-c C-l problem repaired/ additional

S.McClatchie s.mcclatchie at niwa.cri.nz
Tue Feb 26 22:36:42 CET 2002

System info:
R Version 1.4.1  (2002-01-30) on Windows 2000
ESS v. 5.1.20 using emacs ver. 20.1.1

5 Feb 2002,, Rich Heiberger wrote (re: C-c C-l problem repaired): 

> The repair of the C-c C-l problem reported by S.McClatchie
> <s.mcclatchie at niwa.cri.nz> and Bjørn-Helge Mevik 
<bhm at math.uio.no>
> required a change to ess-command in ess-iw32.el.  I believe the 
problem was
> limited to Windows machines and first appeared in 5.1.19 when I 
> ess-command to ess-iw32.el.
> Place this function in your ess/lisp/ess-site.el 
> beginning on line 351 (immediately after the if statement that loads
> essd-sp4 and essdsp6w).
> (defun ess-command (com &optional buf)
>   "Send the ESS process command COM and delete the output
> from the ESS process buffer.  If an optional second argument BUF 
> save the output in that buffer. BUF is erased before use. COM 
should have a
> terminating newline. Guarantees that the value of .Last.value will be
> preserved."
>   (interactive)
>   (save-excursion
>     (set-buffer buf)
>     (setq ess-local-process-name ess-current-process-name)) ;;Feb 
25 2002
>     rmh
>   (if (not (ess-ddeclient-p))
>       (ess-command-original com buf)
>     (ess-force-buffer-current "Process to load into: ")
>     (ess-command-ddeclient com buf)))
Hi Rich

Apparently your fix has solved the problem for Bjørn-Helge Mevik but I 
am still having some problems. I started again from ground zero when 
the fix didn't work for me. This is what I did.

Deleted my previous installation of emacs and ess. Reinstalled emacs-
21.1 and ess-5.1.2, puting ess under the c:\emacs. 

edited \emacs\ess\list\ess-site.el to include the function above, listing 

;;; ess-site.el --- user customization of ess-mode

;; Copyright (C) 1993 David M. Smith
;; Copyright (C) 1997--2001 A.J. Rossini, R.M. Heiberger, Martin
;; Maechler, Kurt Hornik, Rodney Sparapani.

;; Author: David Smith <D.M.Smith at lancaster.ac.uk>
;; Maintainer: A.J. Rossini <rossini at biostat.washington.edu>
;; Created: 12 Nov 1993
;; Modified: $Date: 2002/01/21 03:21:26 $
;; Version: $Revision: 5.86 $
;; RCS: $Id: ess-site.el,v 5.86 2002/01/21 03:21:26 rmh Exp $
;; Keywords: start up, configuration.

;; This file is part of ESS

;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
;; any later version.

;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
PURPOSE.	 See the
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.	If not, write to
;; the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 
02139, USA.

;;; Commentary:

;;; This file defines all the site-specific customizations for ESS.
;;; It should be edited on a per-site basis.  Read the comments (1.1
;;; in Section 1 to see if ess-site.el must be edited.	The final
;;; directory location of this file must be supplied in
;;; ess-lisp-directory.	 The editing of remaining sections is
;;; optional.  It should then be byte-compiled, and users who wish to
;;; use ess-mode should add the line:
;;;    (load "/PATH/TO/THIS/FILE/ess-site")
;;; (where /PATH/TO/THIS/FILE is the path to ess-site.elc: i.e. the
;;; value of ess-lisp-directory, below) to their .emacs file.
;;; Alternatively, if the file is already in a directory specified by
;;; the load-path variable:
;;;    (require 'ess-site)
;;; will work.
;;; with XEmacs, this is simply:
;;;      (add-path "/path/to/ess/lisp-directory")
;;; with Emacs (and in general):
;;;      (setq load-path (cons "/path/to/ess/lisp-directory" load-path)

;; provide here; otherwise we'll get infinite loops of (require ..):
(provide 'ess-site)

;;; Code:

;;;; 1. Load path, autoloads, and major modes
;;;; ========================================
;;; (1.1) For most users the variable ess-lisp-directory will
;;; automatically be set correctly.  If you are working with an old
;;; emacs, one in which file-truename is not defined, then you might
;;; need to change the value of ess-lisp-directory to the directory
;;; which is to contain the file ess-site.elc.	This is probably the
;;; current directory, or the value of LISPDIR if it was set in the
;;; Makefile.


  ;; Not important in XEmacs, if unpacking from ../xemacs/site-lisp/
  ;; directory.

  ;; WARNING: with Emacs 20.2 (and 20.3 in one case),

  ;; A nice default
  (defvar ess-lisp-directory
    (if (and (boundp 'load-file-name) load-file-name)
	;; A nice default
	(directory-file-name (file-name-directory
			      (file-truename load-file-name)))
      (defun find-load-file-directory nil
	"Locate directory in which load-file sits."
	(let ((load-file-directory)
	      (beg (point)))
	  (set-buffer "*Command History*")
	  (goto-char (point-min))
	  (search-forward "(load-file ")
	  (goto-char (1+ (match-end 0)))
	  (setq beg (point))
	  (end-of-line)(search-backward "/")
	  (goto-char (match-end 0))
	  (setq load-file-directory
		(expand-file-name (buffer-substring beg (point))))
	  (kill-buffer "*Command History*")
      (directory-file-name (find-load-file-directory)))
    "Directory containing ess-site.el and other ESS files.")

  ;;(defvar ess-lisp-directory
  ;;(directory-file-name "/usr/local/lib/xemacs/site-lisp/ess-/lisp"))
  ;; >> or replace "ess-" above by "ESS" which would be a symbolic link..
  ;; >> This way, your .emacs (or default.el or site-start.el)
  ;; >> won't have to change with each version of ESS

  ;; example of "local" or personal use
  ;;(defvar ess-lisp-directory
  ;;(directory-file-name "/stat2/faculty/rossini/ESS/lisp"))

  ;; emacs 19.28 doesn't have functions we need, therefore we provide 
  ;; by using files from emacs 19.29
  (if (and (equal emacs-major-version 19) (equal emacs-minor-version 
	(require 'cl)			; rassoc
	;; add-to-list taken from subr.el
	;; we use functions not in 19.28, so include them
	(load-file (concat ess-lisp-directory "/19.29/extras.el"))
	(load-file (concat ess-lisp-directory "/19.29/easymenu.el"))
;;      (if window-system  ;;  essl-sas wants these even without window-
	      ;; comment and reference faces
	      (load-file (concat ess-lisp-directory
	      ;; font-lock features not in 19.28
	      (load-file (concat ess-lisp-directory

  ;; emacs 19.28 and 19.29 don't have functions we need.
  (if (not (fboundp 'file-name-sans-extension))
      ;; take the definition from emacs-20.6/lisp/files.el:
      (defun file-name-sans-extension (filename)
	"Return FILENAME sans final \"extension\".
The extension, in a file name, is the part that follows the last `.'."
	  (let ((file (file-name-sans-versions
		       (file-name-nondirectory filename)))
	    (if (string-match "\\.[^.]*\\'" file)
		(if (setq directory (file-name-directory filename))
		    (expand-file-name (substring file 0 (match-beginning 0))
	          (substring file 0 (match-beginning 0)))

  (add-to-list 'load-path ess-lisp-directory)

  ;; Need these as early as here [also in ./ess-comp.el] :
  (if (not (boundp 'ess-show-load-messages))
      (defvar ess-show-load-messages nil
	"If t, show many more \"loading ..\" messages."))
  (if (not (fboundp 'ess-message))
      (defun ess-message (msg)
	"Shortcut for \\[message] only if `ess-show-load-messages' is non-
	(if ess-show-load-messages (message msg))))); eval-*-compile

;; DEBUG: (setq ess-show-load-messages t); instead of nil above

(ess-message "[ess-site:] after (eval-and-compile ..)")
;; load code to figure out what version/strain of Emacs we are running
;; must come *AFTER* load-path is set !

;;; The following require sets the following ess-local-custom-available to
;;; true if custom is provided at this point.  If we think it will be,
;;; then we can use the following (uncommented out) to make sure that
;;; it will be.  (AJR).
(require 'ess-emcs)
;; This will override what Emacs thinks it can detect.
;;(setq ess-local-custom-available t); if custom is available, uncomment

;;; (1.2) Uncomment the following 4 lines to fix the infopath, if needed.
;;(defun add-info-path (newpath)
;;  (setq Info-default-directory-list
;;	(cons (expand-file-name newpath) Info-default-directory-list)))
;;(add-info-path (concat ess-lisp-directory "/../doc/"))

;;; (1.3) Files ending in .q and .S are considered to be S source files
;;; Files ending in .St are considered to be S transcript files
;;; NB: in standard Emacs, files ending in .s are assembler files.  If you
;;; want to use assembler, comment the appropriate
;;; line below.

(autoload 'Rd-mode "essddr" "Major mode for editing R 
documentation." t)

;; This fails in Emacs.  How can it be done simply?  Should it be
;; done?  It works in XEmacs.
;;    ;; get rid of assembler mode.
;;    (set auto-mode-alist (remassoc "\\.[sS]\\'" auto-mode-alist))
;; Our current solution is as follows.

;; Be careful when editing the following. MISTAKES WILL RESULT IN
;; *.sty BEING TREATED AS ESS[S], rather than LaTeX-mode!

(if (assoc "\\.[rR]\\'" auto-mode-alist) nil
  (setq auto-mode-alist
	 '(("\\.sp\\'"	  . S-mode) ;; re: Don MacQueen <macq at llnl.gov>
	   ("\\.[qsS]\\'" . S-mode) ;; q,s,S
	   ("\\.ssc\\'"	  . S-mode) ;; Splus 4.x script files.
	   ("\\.[rR]\\'"  . R-mode)
	   ("\\.[rR]profile\\'" . R-mode)
	   ("\\.omg\\'"         . omegahat-mode)
	   ("\\.hat\\'"         . omegahat-mode) ;; Duncan's pref'd...
	   ("\\.lsp\\'"		. XLS-mode)
	   ("\\.do\\'"		. STA-mode)
	   ("\\.ado\\'"		. STA-mode)
	   ("\\.sas\\'"		. SAS-mode)
	   ("\\.SAS\\'"		. SAS-mode)
	   ;;("\\.lst\\'"		. SAS-listing-mode);sasl
	   ;; Too many *.log files, not only SAS :
	   ;;("\\.log\\'"	. SAS-log-mode);sasl
	   ("\\.[Ss]t\\'"	. S-transcript-mode)
	   ("\\.[Ss]out"	. S-transcript-mode)
	   ("\\.[Rr]t\\'"	. R-transcript-mode)
	   ("\\.[Rr]out"	. R-transcript-mode)
	   ("\\.Rd\\'"		. Rd-mode)
           ("\\.[Bb][Uu][Gg]\\'"         . ess-bugs-mode)
           ("\\.[Bb][Oo][Gg]\\'"         . ess-bugs-mode)
           ("\\.[Bb][Mm][Dd]\\'"         . ess-bugs-mode)

;; (1.4) Customize the dialects for your setup.

;;; AS OF ESS 5.1.14, if you are using Emacs 20.x, x>3, or XEmacs
;;; 21.x, x>0, you can now use the "Customize" facility for
;;; customization.

;;;; Choices for *(), where * is from inferior-*-program....
;;; Most sites will not need to use these customized program-names.  
They are
;;; provided for cases where the program is not on the standard default 
;;; If the program doesn't get located correctly by the default use of
;;; M-x S+3 (for example), then put the path name for your system into the
;;; the variable inferior-S+3-program-name.  If for any reason you want the
;;; default use of M-x S to refer to a different program than S+3, then
;;; redefine inferior-S-program-name.

;;(setq-default inferior-S3-program-name "/disk05/s/S")
;;(setq-default inferior-S+3-program-name "Splus34")
;;(setq-default inferior-S4-program-name "/disk05/s4/S")
;;(setq-default inferior-S+4-program-name "Splus")
;;(setq-default inferior-S+5-program-name "Splus5")
;;(setq-default inferior-S+6-program-name "Splus6")
;;(setq-default inferior-R-program-name "R")	  ; unix systems
;;(setq-default inferior-R-program-name "Rterm")  ; msdos systems
;;(setq-default inferior-XLS-program-name "xlispstat")
;;(setq-default inferior-ARC-program-name "arc")
;;(setq-default inferior-VST-program-name "vista")
;;(setq-default inferior-SAS-program-name "sas")
;;(setq-default inferior-OMG-program-name 
(setq-default inferior-OMG-program-name "omegahat")

;;; ESS on the Windows NT/95/98 assumes you have installed gnuclient
;;; with your NTemacs.
;;; Should you choose not to use gnuclient, you will need to uncomment
;;; the notepad definitions below.
;;; Send Print from S+4 GUI Commands window print icon to emacs.
;;; StatSci's S+4 default print destination for the commands window is
;;(setq-default inferior-S+4-print-command "notepad/p")
;;; The line below is the ESS default and sends the commands window
;;; to emacs, giving the user the opportunity to
;;; (1) edit the output into a clean ess-transcript file before printing, or
;;; (2) print a region of the file.
;;(setq-default inferior-S+4-print-command 

;;; The editor and pager output from S+4 and Sqpe+4 are sent by
;;; StatSci default to notepad, effectively using the definition:
;;(setq-default	 inferior-S+4-editor-pager-command
;;   "options(editor='notepad', pager='notepad')")
;;; ESS sends the output from both commands to an emacs buffer using
;;; the definition:
;;(setq-default	 inferior-S+4-editor-pager-command
;;   "options(editor='gnuclient.exe', pager='gnuclientw.exe')")

;;; These commands are for running the PC version of Sqpe of S+4 and
;;; S+6 in an emacs buffer, using the same technology as ESS uses for
;;; Unix S-Plus.  Interactive graphics are unavailable in this mode.
;;; See essd-sp4.el or essdsp6w.el

;;; These are the defaults.  Change them here if the defaults don't work.
;;; Use the 8.3 version of the pathname because embedded blanks will 
;;; trouble.
;;; The emacs command `w32-short-file-name' will help you find the 8.3 
;;(setq-default inferior-S+4-program-name 
;;(setq-default inferior-Sqpe+4-SHOME-name 
;;(setq-default inferior-Sqpe+4-program-name 
;;(setq-default inferior-S+6-program-name 
;;(setq-default inferior-Sqpe+6-SHOME-name 
;;(setq-default inferior-Sqpe+6-program-name 

;;; These ddeclient values will be buffer-local on WS-Windows 9x/NT
(setq-default inferior-ess-ddeclient	     "Initial")
(setq-default inferior-ess-client-name	     "Initial")
(setq-default inferior-ess-client-command    "Initial")

;;; see essd-els.el

;;(setq-default inferior-S-elsewhere-program-name "sh")
;;(setq-default inferior-S-elsewhere-program-name "ssh")
;;; You might consider using ssh, if you can!  (and if you really do
;;; this, use ssh-agent, etc, for securing your sessions).

;;;; Choice for S().
;;(setq-default inferior-S-program-name inferior-S+3-program-name)

;; (1.5) Require the needed dialects for your setup.
(if (< max-specpdl-size 700)     ;;; ESS won't load at the default of 600
    (setq max-specpdl-size 700))

(ess-message "[ess-site:] Before requiring dialect 'essd-** ....")
(ess-message "[ess-site:] require 'essd-r ...")
(require 'essd-r)    ;; S and common variants
(ess-message "[ess-site:] require 'essd-s4 ...")
(require 'essd-s4)
;;(ess-message "[ess-site:] require 'essd-s3 ...")
;;(require 'essd-s3)  ; THIS IS RARE.  You probably do not have this.
(ess-message "[ess-site:] require 'essd-sp3 ...")
(require 'essd-sp3)  ;; "sp" refers to S-PLUS (MathSoft/StatSci).

(if ess-microsoft-p
      (ess-message "[ess-site:] require 'essd-sp4 ...")
      (require 'essd-sp4)
      (ess-message "[ess-site:] require 'essdsp6w ...")
      (require 'essdsp6w))
  (ess-message "[ess-site:] require 'essd-sp5 ...")
  (require 'essd-sp5)
  (ess-message "[ess-site:] require 'essd-sp6 ...")
  (require 'essd-sp6))

(defun ess-command (com &optional buf)
  "Send the ESS process command COM and delete the output
from the ESS process buffer.  If an optional second argument BUF
exists save the output in that buffer. BUF is erased before use. COM
should have a terminating newline. Guarantees that the value of
.Last.value will be preserved."
    (set-buffer buf)
    (setq ess-local-process-name ess-current-process-name)) ;;Feb 25
    2002 rmh
  (if (not (ess-ddeclient-p))
      (ess-command-original com buf)
    (ess-force-buffer-current "Process to load into: ")
    (ess-command-ddeclient com buf)))

(ess-message "[ess-site:] require 'essd-sta ...")
(require 'essd-sta)  ;; for Stata.
(ess-message "[ess-site:] require 'essd-xls ...")
(require 'essd-xls)  ;; XLispStat
(ess-message "[ess-site:] require 'essd-vst ...")
(require 'essd-vst)  ;; ViSta
(ess-message "[ess-site:] require 'essd-arc ...")
(require 'essd-arc)  ;; Arc
(ess-message "[ess-site:] require 'essd-sas ...")
(require 'essd-sas)
(save-excursion                           ;;workaround for ess-smart-underscore
  (switch-to-buffer "unlikely-name.sas")  ;;workaround for ess-smart-
  (sas-mode)                              ;;workaround for ess-smart-underscore
  (define-key sas-mode-local-map "_" nil) ;;workaround for ess-smart-
  (kill-buffer "unlikely-name.sas"))      ;;workaround for ess-smart-
(ess-message "[ess-site:] require 'essd-els ...")
(require 'essd-els)  ;; S-elsewhere, on another machine by telnet
(ess-message "[ess-site:] require 'essd-omg ...")
(require 'essd-omg)  ;; for omegahat
(ess-message "[ess-site:] require 'essl-bug ...")
(require 'essl-bug)  ;; for batch BUGS

   (format "[ess-site.el]: ess-customize-alist=%s \n"

;;; (1.7) Literate Data Analysis
;(require 'ess-noweb)
;(setq auto-mode-alist
;      (append
;       '(("\\.nw\\'"          . noweb-mode)) ;; Literate Data Analysis
;       auto-mode-alist))

(require 'ess)

   (format "[ess-site.el _2_]: ess-customize-alist=%s \n"

;; (1.8) Speedbar and mouse

(require 'ess-menu)
(require 'ess-mous)

;;; 2. Site Specific setup
;;;; ===============================================

;;; Set this to the name of the program you use to run S or S-PLUS.  It
;;; can be an absolute pathname, if you wish.
;;(setq inferior-ess-program "Splus")
;;(setq inferior-ess-program (concat (getenv "SHOME") "/Splus"))

;;; You will need to change the following two variables if you use a
;;; non-standard S prompt.
;; (setq inferior-ess-primary-prompt "[a-zA-Z0-9() ]*> ?")
;; (setq inferior-ess-secondary-prompt "+ ?")

;;; 2.1 Backwards compatibility (roll your own!)
;;; What you want S and R to call...

(autoload 'ess-transcript-mode "ess-trns"
  "Major mode for editing S transcript files." t)

;;; On a PC, the default is S+6.  
;; Elsewhere (unix and linux) the default is S+6
(cond (ess-microsoft-p ; MS-Windows
       (fset 'S 'S+6)
       (fset 'Sqpe 'Sqpe+6)
       (fset 's-mode 'S+6-mode)
       (fset 's-transcript-mode 'S+6-transcript-mode))

      ((eq system-type 'gnu/linux)	; Linux -- no S+3
       (fset 'S 'S+6)
       (fset 's-mode 'S+6-mode)
       (fset 's-transcript-mode 'S+6-transcript-mode))

      (t				; Other Unixen
       (fset 'S 'S+6)
       (fset 's-mode 'S+6-mode)
       (fset 's-transcript-mode 'S+6-transcript-mode))

;;;;* Alias S-mode to s-mode
;;; Emacs will set the mode for a file based on the file's header.
;;; The mode name is indicated by putting it between -*- on the top line.
;;; (Other commands can go here too, see an Emacs manual.)
;;; For a file you also load, you will want a leading # (comment to S)
;;; Emacs will downcase the name of the mode, e.g., S, so we must 
;;; s-mode in lower case too.  That is, "#-*- S-*-" invokes s-mode and
;;; not S-mode.
(fset 'S-transcript-mode 's-transcript-mode)
(fset 'S-mode 's-mode)

;;; 3. Customization (and commented out examples) for your site
;;;; ===============================================

;;; (3.01) SOME PEOPLE (who will remain nameless) worry that novices
;;; won't like fancy buffer names for their first (and only :-)
;;; process.  To number all processes, uncomment the next line.
;;(setq ess-plain-first-buffername nil)

;;; (3.1) Font-lock
;; The following two expressions automatically enable font-lock-mode
;; for ess-mode and inferior-ess-mode buffers.

;; XEmacs has font-lock for ttys, as well.  So we need a better check!
(if window-system
      (add-hook 'ess-mode-hook 'turn-on-font-lock t)
      (add-hook 'ess-transcript-mode-hook 'turn-on-font-lock t)
      (add-hook 'inferior-ess-mode-hook 'turn-on-font-lock t)))

;; If nil, then don't font-lock the input
;; if t, font-lock (default).
(setq inferior-ess-font-lock-input t) ; from RMH

;;; (3.2) Framepop.  Windows produced by ess-execute-objects etc. are
;;; often unnecessarily large. The framepop package makes such
;;; windows appear in a separate, shrink-wrapped frame. This will
;;; also affect other "temporary" windows such as those produced by
;;; C-h k, etc.	 To enable, uncomment both lines of code below).
;;; Works only with Emacs at this time.
;; (cond (window-system
;;	 (require 'framepop)))

;;; (3.3) ess-keep-dump-files.
;;; Documentation:
;;; *Variable controlling whether to delete dump files after a successful 
;;; If nil: always delete.  If `ask', confirm to delete.  If `check', confirm
;;; to delete, except for files created with ess-dump-object-into-edit-
;;; Anything else (for example `always'): always keep and never delete.
;;; This variable only affects the behavior
;;; of ess-load-file.  Dump files are never deleted if an error occurs
;;; during the load.
;;; RH sez: I find the default `always' keep to be imperative.	The 
;;; default was to throw away
;;; files at the wrong time (I think it was something like, if you M-x
;;; ess-load a file twice, while you are working on it, the file is
;;; deleted).  I believe source is real and the ESS object is temporary.
;;; The previous default behavior is dangerous for people who believe 
this way.
;;; It made sense only for people who believe the object is real
;;; and the source file temporary.
(setq ess-keep-dump-files "always")

;;; (3.4) ess-ask-for-ess-directory
;;; If t, will ask for the directory to use.  If nil, assumes the
;;; default (usually, the users home directory...).
(setq ess-ask-for-ess-directory t)

;;; (3.5) ess-directory default	 (correlated with above)
;;; The default location for running the subprocess is configurable.
;;; By default, that is the default-directory (a lisp variable which
;;; initially contains the directory from which the inferior ESS
;;; statistical package/process	 is started).
;;; For example, the following function (added to the pre-run-hook, by
;;; the line following it) will set the default directory to be your
;;; home directory:
;;(defun ajr:ess-set-directory ()
;;  "Set ess-directory to home."
;;  (setq-default ess-directory (file-name-as-directory (getenv "HOME"))))
;;(add-hook 'ess-pre-run-hook 'ajr:ess-set-directory)
;;; If you replace the setq-default line with:
;; (setq-default ess-directory (file-name-as-directory
;;			    (concat (getenv "HOME") "/ess/")))
;;; then it will always start up in the directory "ess" in your home
;;; directory.
;;; The default is to have ess to start up in the current buffer's
;;; directory (the one in which you started the inferior ESS
;;; statistical package/process).  This is obtained
;;; by setting ess-directory to nil, i.e.
;; (setq-default ess-directory nil) ; this is the default.

;;; 3.6 Example of formatting changes

;;; Formatting and indentation patterns are defined in ess-cust.el, please
;;; see ess-cust.el for exact definitions of these variable settings.
;;; To change them, uncomment one or both of the following lines:
;;; (eg, follow changes suggested by Terry Therneau)
;;(setq ess-fancy-comments nil)
;;(setq ess-default-style 'CLB)

;;; 4.0 SAS configuration

;;; Beginning with ESS 5.1.13, we have editing options in SAS-mode.
;;; The default behavior is as it was in prior releases.
;;; There are two sets of alternatives.
;;;   1. Editing SAS-mode files.
;;;   1a. Default: TAB is bound to sas-indent-line.
;;;       Current line is correctly indented as SAS code.  Equivalent to
;;;(setq ess-sas-edit-keys-toggle 0) ;; default TAB in sas-mode
;;;   1b. Optional: TAB is bound to tab-to-tab-stop and inserts up to 4
;;;       columns at a time.  C-TAB moves backwards and deletes 
;;;       up to 4 columns at a time.
;;;       Uncomment the following line for the optional behavior.
;;;(setq ess-sas-edit-keys-toggle 1)   ;; optional TAB and C-TAB in sas-
;;;   Use the function call (ess-sas-edit-keys-toggle 0)
;;;   or                    (ess-sas-edit-keys-toggle 1)
;;;   to change the setting after the first SAS-mode buffer has been 
;;;   1c. You can also define C-TAB in all modes by specifying either
;;;(setq ess-sas-global-unix-keys t) ;; optional C-TAB bound in all modes
;;;(setq ess-sas-global-pc-keys t)   ;; optional C-TAB bound in all modes
;;;       See below. 
;;;   2. Managing submitted SAS jobs with function keys.
;;;   2a. Default: Function keys retain their global bindings.
;;;   2b. Options: Uncomment at most one of the following four lines.
;;;(setq ess-sas-local-unix-keys t)  ;; [f2]--[f8] bound in sas-mode and 
related modes
;;;(setq ess-sas-local-pc-keys t)    ;; [f2]--[f8] bound in sas-mode and 
related modes
;;;(setq ess-sas-global-unix-keys t) ;; [f2]--[f8] bound in all modes
;;;(setq ess-sas-global-pc-keys t)   ;; [f2]--[f8] bound in all modes
;;;   3. If it is more convenient to have "*Async Shell Command*"
;;;      in same-window-buffer-names, then uncomment the following line
;;;   4. As of 5.1.19, a new and improved syntax highlighting scheme for 
.sas and .log 
;;;	 files is available (press f10 to toggle between modes in .log).  If you 
;;;      using XEmacs v. 20.x, then you need this as well, since it works 
around a 
;;;      problem with make-regexp.el.  Uncomment the next line for this 
;;;(setq ess-sas-run-make-regexp nil)

;(defvar sas-require-confirmation t
;  "*Require confirmation when revisiting sas-output which has changed 
on disk.")
;;; added sas-program 4/29/94.	user can specify a different version of 
;;;(defvar sas-program "sas" "*Name of program which runs sas.")
;;(defvar sas-pre-run-hook nil
;;  "Hook to execute prior to running SAS vis submit-sas.")
;;(defvar sas-options-string ""
;;  "*Options to be passed to sas as if typed on the command line.")
;;(defvar sas-indent-width 4 "*Amount to indent sas statements")
;;(defvar sas-notify t "*Beep and display message when job is done?")  ;; 
added 4/7/94
;;(defvar sas-error-notify t
;;  "*If sas-notify is t, then indicate errors in log file upon completion")
;;;; added 5/2/94
;;(defvar sas-get-options nil "Options to be passed to SAS in sas-get-
;;(defvar sas-get-options-history nil "History list of Options passed to 
SAS in sas-get-dataset")
;;(defvar sas-page-number-max-line 3
;;  "*Number of lines from the page break in which to search for the page 
;;(defvar sas-indent-ignore-comment "*"
;;  "*Comments with start with this string are ignored in indentation.")
;;(defvar sas-notify-popup nil
;;  "*If t (and sas-notify is also t), causes emacs to create a
;;popup window when the SAS job is finished.")
;;(defvar sas-tmp-libname "_tmp_" "*Libname to use for sas-get-

;;; 5.0 Noweb and Literate Data Analysis configuration

;; already above [1.7]: (require 'ess-noweb)

 ; Local variables section

;;; This file is automatically placed in Outline minor mode.
;;; The file is structured as follows:
;;; Chapters:	  ^L ;
;;; Sections:	 ;;*;;
;;; Subsections: ;;;*;;;
;;; Components:	 defuns, defvars, defconsts
;;;		 Random code beginning with a ;;;;* comment
;;; Local variables:
;;; mode: emacs-lisp
;;; mode: outline-minor
;;; outline-regexp: "\^L\\|\\`;\\|;;\\*\\|;;;\\*\\|(def[cvu]\\|(setq\\|;;;;\\*"
;;; End:

;;; ess-site.el ends here

Started R and created a test function with C-c C-d

test <- function()

submitted the function with C-c C-l and got the following message:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable rmh)
  ess-command("search()\n" #<buffer  *search-list*>)
  (save-excursion (set-buffer tbuffer) (ess-command inferior-ess-search-
list-command tbuffer) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward 
"\"\\([^\"]*\\)\"" nil t) (setq elt ...) (if ... ...) (setq result ...)) (kill-buffer tbuffer))
  (let ((tbuffer ...) (homedir ess-directory) elt) (save-excursion (set-buffer 
tbuffer) (ess-command inferior-ess-search-list-command tbuffer) (goto-
char ...) (while ... ... ... ...) (kill-buffer tbuffer)))
  (if (and ess-search-list (not ess-sp-change)) ess-search-list (let (... ... 
elt) (save-excursion ... ... ... ... ...)) (setq ess-search-list result) (setq ess-
sp-change nil) result)
  (let ((result nil)) (set-buffer (get-ess-buffer ess-current-process-name)) 
(if (and ess-search-list ...) ess-search-list (let ... ...) (setq ess-search-list 
result) (setq ess-sp-change nil) result))
  (save-excursion (let (...) (set-buffer ...) (if ... ess-search-list ... ... ... 
  (let ((path ...) result) (while (and ... path) (setq result ...) (setq path ...)) 
(nth 5 result))
  ess-object-modtime(#("test" 0 4 (face font-lock-function-name-face 
fontified t)))
  (ess-modtime-gt (ess-object-modtime objname) sourcemod)
  (and sourcemod objname (ess-modtime-gt (ess-object-modtime 
objname) sourcemod) (not (y-or-n-p ...)) (error "Aborted"))
  (let ((sourcemod ...) (objname)) (save-excursion (goto-char ...) (setq 
objname ...)) (and sourcemod objname (ess-modtime-gt ... sourcemod) 
(not ...) (error "Aborted")))
  (and (buffer-file-name) ess-filenames-map (let (... ...) (save-excursion ... 
...) (and sourcemod objname ... ... ...)))
  (save-excursion (set-buffer source-buffer) (ess-force-buffer-current 
"Process to load into: ") (ess-check-modifications))
  (if source-buffer (save-excursion (set-buffer source-buffer) (ess-force-
buffer-current "Process to load into: ") (ess-check-modifications)))
  (if (ess-check-source filename) (error "Buffer %s has not been saved" 
(buffer-name source-buffer)) (if source-buffer (save-excursion ... ... ...)))
  (let ((source-buffer ...)) (if (ess-check-source filename) (error "Buffer %s 
has not been saved" ...) (if source-buffer ...)) (let (... error-occurred 
nomessage) (ess-command ... errbuffer) (save-excursion ... ... ... ...) (if 
error-occurred ... ... ... ...)))
  (if (equal (ess-get-process-variable ess-current-process-name ...) 
(default-value ...)) (ess-load-file-original filename) (ess-load-file-
ddeclient filename))
* call-interactively(ess-load-file)

Tried to resubmit the script from the R window witrh C-c C-l and got the 
message "Symbol's value as variable void".

Help! please....


Sam McClatchie, 
Research scientist (fisheries acoustics))))))))))

NIWA (National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research Ltd)
Postal address: PO Box 14 901, Kilbirnie, Wellington, New Zealand. 

Street address: 301 Evans Bay Parade, Greta Point, 6003 Wellington, New Zealand.

Email: s.mcclatchie at niwa.cri.nz, 
phone 64-04-386-0574, FAX: 64-4-386 0574. 

...>><xX(°> // \\
                 /// \\\   
                //// \\\\
               ///  <°)Xx><<
              /////  \\\\\\
  >><(((°>   ...>><xX(°>O<°)Xx><<

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