ess-5.1.20 and Schapter creation

A.J. Rossini rossini at
Wed Apr 10 22:53:22 CEST 2002

>>>>> "naoki" == Naoki Saito <saito at> writes:

    naoki> Hello!
    naoki> I just installed ess-5.1.20 on my linux box, and it is working nicely but one problem.
    naoki> When I run S+6 in emacs, it asks the directory to be used (i.e., the ones containing
    naoki> .Data directory, etc.)  However, it creates a completely new directory called
    naoki> "Schapter" with some random 4 digits, e.g., Schapter2248 in my home directory
    naoki> instead of using the directory I specified at the emacs minibuffer.

    naoki> I would like to know how to prevent this creation of a new directory and to use
    naoki> the directory I intended.

    naoki> Thank you very much for your help!

This sounds like exactly the problem Joseph Collins had recently; see
the mailing list archives.  I can't recall if he solved it.  Could
someone who actually uses S-PLUS (or Joseph) provide the solution (or
inform me that there isn't yet a solution)?


A.J. Rossini				Rsrch. Asst. Prof. of Biostatistics
U. of Washington Biostatistics		rossini at	
FHCRC/SCHARP/HIV Vaccine Trials Net	rossini at
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