ESS 15.09-1 released

Martin Maechler maechler at
Mon Oct 26 13:33:17 CET 2015

I have released   ESS 15.09-1   about 10 minutes ago.

To get it, use

This is primarily a bug fix release for ESS 15.09 (released on Sep. 24).

Notably it was reported by Jason Morgan to ESS-bugs,
   { "ess-mode .... iESS Performance Degrades Quickly with Buffer Size" }

that Emacs  typically can become *VERY* slow (yes, "up to looking frozen"),
when you have several 1000's of lines (of R output) in your *R* buffer.

Release 15.09-1 fixes this, and adds some indentation
improvements, too. Remember that ESS' indentation system was
basically completely refurbished for ESS 15.09.

For the ESS core team,
Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich

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