[ESS-bugs] julia: TAB completion fails for emacs 23

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Wed May 14 22:48:21 CEST 2014

On 14 May 2014 at 22:23, Martin Maechler wrote:
| On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 11:52 AM, Stephen Eglen
| <S.J.Eglen at damtp.cam.ac.uk> wrote:
| > hi Martin,
| >
| > I've yet to try the "new" julia within Emacs, but as I understand it,
| > they have dropped GNU readline (in julia-readline) for their own repl
| > coded in julia.
| Thank you Stephen.
| Yes, in the mean time I have confirmed that this is only in julia
| versions 0.3... i.e. all developer versions since about February when
| they release 0.2.1 --- After the several hours of compilation from the
| source I confirm that indeed,  julia 0.2.1 still contains julia-basic
| and julia-readline  plus a symbolic link
|   julia ->  julia-readline
| > Does "julia" work okay in a regular *shell*?
| Well, "ok" yes, but failing TAB completion even in emacs24 (the
| completion happens with programs known to the *shell*)... but I think
| that's expected.
| Note that  Emacs 24 + *julia*  (M-x julia)  work fine together.

Confirmed on my Ubuntu 14.04 laptop which runs emacs24.

Now, I never launch Julia otherwise, and have little patience for zealots who
to replace readline because it doesn't fit their MIT license....

| It is just  Emacs23 + *julia* that has the problematic behavior....
| but that will affect many many users of Linux versions that are
| decendents of debian, notably Ubuntu, Mint, ...

True but then you are only truly concerned about _old(er)_ releases which
will also have _old(er)_ versions of ess ...

Not sure how much pain the support of bleeding edge ess and older distro
releases / julia versions are worth.  Worst case they have to set an elisp
variable.  Just like every Windows user does for Rterm, no?

| Martin
| >
| > Stephen
| >
| > On Wed, May 14 2014, Martin Maechler wrote:
| >
| >> I should add to this:
| >>
| >> Never versions of julia no longer provide a 'julia-basic' and
| >> 'julia-readline'  executable.
| >>
| >> Just 'julia' itself.
| >> and  'julia --help'  gives some options, e.g. "--color = yes|no"
| >> but does not talk about readline.
| >>
| >> So we (ESS) should probably change the default
| >> inferior-julia-program-name from its default
| >> "julia-basic"  to "julia".
| >>
| >> I made it work by defining a symbolic link in my PATH of the form
| >>
| >>    ln -s <julia-source-build>/julia  julia-basic
| >>
| >> but that's not what the typical ESS user should have to do ...
| >>
| >> Do you guys have julia version which do *not* provide a simple
| >> 'julia' executable ?
| >>
| >>
| >> Martin
| >>
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Dirk Eddelbuettel | edd at debian.org | http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com

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