julia: TAB completion fails for emacs 23

Martin Maechler maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch
Wed May 14 11:37:54 CEST 2014

I should add to this:

Never versions of julia no longer provide a 'julia-basic' and
'julia-readline'  executable.

Just 'julia' itself.
and  'julia --help'  gives some options, e.g. "--color = yes|no"
but does not talk about readline.

So we (ESS) should probably change the default 
inferior-julia-program-name from its default
"julia-basic"  to "julia".

I made it work by defining a symbolic link in my PATH of the form

   ln -s <julia-source-build>/julia  julia-basic

but that's not what the typical ESS user should have to do ...

Do you guys have julia version which do *not* provide a simple
'julia' executable ?


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