[ESS] Patch for ESS 12.04 released

Vincent Goulet vincent.goulet at dgfc.ulaval.ca
Thu May 10 22:37:42 CEST 2012

Hi Martin,

The took the opportunity of an OS X update today to reboot. All went fine after that, all three problems vanished. The archive must have gotten corrupted with my various manipulations this morning.

Sorry for the noise.

Of course, I'm waiting for 12.04-2 tomorrow.



Vincent Goulet
Directeur général adjoint
Direction générale de la formation continue - DGFC

Le 2012-05-10 à 14:59, Martin Maechler a écrit :

> Dear Vincent,
> that sounds very peculiar...
> What happens if you use  R    download.file(...)  to get the *.tgz or
> *.zip file?
>> tf <- tempfile("ess12041",fileext=".tgz");(r <- download.file("http://ess.r-project.org/downloads/ess/ess-12.04-1.tgz", tf))
> trying URL 'http://ess.r-project.org/downloads/ess/ess-12.04-1.tgz'
> Content type 'application/x-tar' length 3275609 bytes (3.1 Mb)
> opened URL
> ==================================================
> downloaded 3.1 Mb
> [1] 0
> So R (or R on my ubuntu notebook) recognizes the correct MIME type
> "application/x-tar"...
> As I said, I would be happy if you waited till tomorrow, when I'm
> planning to release 12.04-2
> Martin
> On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 2:37 PM, Vincent Goulet
> <vincent.goulet at dgfc.ulaval.ca> wrote:
>> HI Martin,
>> Ok. I noticed a few other glitches:
>> 1. With previous archives of ess, I could, in Safari, right-click on the link to download the file and select "Save target as..." to save the file wherever I please on my disk. With ess-12.04-1.zip AND ess-12.04-1.tgz, Safari insists that the file name should end with ".html". Safari is not that dumb usually. If I let it add the extension and remove it afterwards from the command line, 'unzip' reports an invalid archive.
>> 2. On OS X, where 'emacs' is defined from the command line, ess compilation fails here:
>> Source file `/Users/vincent/Emacs-modified/macos/ess-12.04-1/lisp/ess-tracebug.el' newer than byte-compiled file
>> Invalid character: 8212, #o20024, #x2014
>> make[2]: *** [ess-custom.elc] Error 255
>> make[1]: *** [install] Error 2
>> This may have to do with my problems downloading the archive.
>> 3. On Windows, where 'emacs' is not recognized as a command on the command line, build fails here:
>> cd lisp; make install
>> make[2]: Entering directory `/c/Emacs-modified/ess-12.04-1/lisp'
>> emacs -batch -no-site-file -no-init-file -l ./ess-comp.el -f batch-byte-c
>> ess-custom.el
>> make[2]: emacs: Command not found
>> make[2]: *** [ess-custom.elc] Error 127
>> make[2]: Leaving directory `/c/Emacs-modified/ess-12.04-1/lisp'
>> make[1]: *** [install] Error 2
>> I suspect an 'emacs' has been hardcoded by mistake somewhere instead of using the environment variable.
>> The problems may very well be at my end, but I didn't change anything to my build environments since the previous release. Or perhaps 2 and 3 are related to 1.
>> HTH
>> v.
>> Vincent Goulet
>> Directeur général adjoint
>> Direction générale de la formation continue - DGFC
>> Le 2012-05-10 à 02:57, Martin Maechler a écrit :
>>> Dear Vincent,
>>> and other ESS "packaged distribution" maintainers.
>>> I'm really sorry for the slight mess up in this release.
>>> The ESS lisp code is fine  -- apart from M-x ess-version
>>> but I want to do an 12.04-2  patch, within a day or two to fix
>>> the "small mess".
>>> So, ideally do *not* release 12.04-1  for Windows at all.
>>> Martin
>>>>>>>> Martin Maechler <maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch>
>>>>>>>>    on Thu, 10 May 2012 01:07:40 +0200 writes:
>>>>> On 9 May 2012 at 09:49, Vincent Goulet wrote: | Geez, how
>>>>> did you do, can't find the sources for 12.04-1 on the ESS
>>>>> web site! (I don't like too much to grab things in trunk
>>>>> of the svn repository.
>>>>> 'svn up', edit debian/changelog and run this
>>>>> 'debian/rules tarball':
>>>>> ## edd 16 May 2008 trivial 'orig.tar.gz' creator ##
>>>>> technically, this could be a native Debian package as ##
>>>>> the debian/ is in upstream SVN but it is easier to have
>>>>> ## another degree of freedom for Debian revisions ## if
>>>>> we used just the svn rev: version := $(shell svnversion)
>>>>> ## edd 04 Oct 2008 use changelog entry instead version :=
>>>>> $(shell head -1 debian/changelog | perl -nle
>>>>> 'm/\((\S+)-\d\)/ && print $$1')
>>>>> showversion: @echo Version is ${version}
>>>>> tarball: (cd .. && \ tar czf
>>>>> tarballs/ess_${version}.orig.tar.gz ess \ --exclude=.svn
>>>>> \ --exclude=.git \ --exclude=debian )
>>>> Thank you, Dirk.  That is a workaround {not using the
>>>> identical rule that the ESS makefile target uses}
>>>> The fixes on VERSION (and SVN-VERSION) that makes M-x
>>>> ess-version unfortunately broke the final steps of the
>>>> release process.
>>>> This should be fixed now.  I'm sorry for the confusion
>>>> this must have caused.
>>>> Martin
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