ESS 5.13 released

Martin Maechler maechler at
Thu Feb 3 12:15:39 CET 2011

Dear ESS users,

I have released ESS 5.13 a few moments ago.

The main reason and improvement is automatic support of "finding
R" for Windows and R versions 2.12.0 and newer.
Additionnally, there are other improvements in Roxygen and help
previewing, see also the
"New Features" below.

In behalf of the ESS core team,

Martin Maechler, 
ETH Zurich

The following is part of the ANNOUNCE file that comes with ESS:

The ESS Developers proudly announce the release of ESS


   Emacs Speaks Statistics (ESS) provides an intelligent, consistent
interface between the user and the software.  ESS interfaces with
R/S-PLUS, SAS, BUGS/JAGS, Stata and other statistical analysis packages
under the UNIX, GNU Linux, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and other
operating systems.  ESS is a package for the GNU Emacs and XEmacs text
editors whose features ESS uses to streamline the creation and use of
statistical software.  ESS knows the syntax and grammar of statistical
analysis packages and provides consistent display and editing features
based on that knowledge.  ESS assists in interactive and batch
execution of statements written in these statistical analysis languages.

   ESS is freely available under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
Please read the file COPYING which comes with the distribution, for
more information about the license. For more detailed information,
please read the README files that come with ESS.

1.1 Getting the Latest Version

The latest released version of ESS is always available on the web at:
ESS web page ( or StatLib

   The latest development version of ESS is available via
`', the ESS Subversion repository.  If
you have a Subversion client (see `'), you
can download the sources using:
     % svn checkout PATH
   which will put the ESS files into directory PATH.  Later, within
that directory, `svn update' will bring that directory up to date.
Windows-based tools such as TortoiseSVN are also available for
downloading the files.  Alternatively, you can browse the sources with a
web browser at: ESS SVN site (
However, please use a subversion client instead to minimize the load
when retrieving.

   If you remove other versions of ESS from your emacs load-path, you
can then use the development version by adding the following to .emacs:

     (load "/path/to/ess-svn/lisp/ess-site.el")

   Note that https is required, and that the SSL certificate for the
Subversion server of the R project is

     Certificate information:
      - Hostname:
      - Valid: from Jul 16 08:10:01 2004 GMT until Jul 14 08:10:01 2014 GMT
      - Issuer: Department of Mathematics, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, CH
      - Fingerprint: c9:5d:eb:f9:f2:56:d1:04:ba:44:61:f8:64:6b:d9:33:3f:93:6e:ad

(currently, there is no "trusted certificate").  You can accept this
certificate permanently and will not be asked about it anymore.


1.9 New Features

     Changes/New Features in 5.13:
        * ESS[R]: On Windows, for R 2.12.0 and later, the Rterm
          executables  (in subdirectories i386 / x64) now are found as
          well as for earlier R versions.

        * ESS[S+]: on Windows, both 32- and 64-bit versions of S+
          ("S-PLUS")  are found now and made available on the menu.

        * ESS[R]: When prompting for a starting directory, the R
          version is  (always?) correct now.

        * ESS[R]: on non-Windows platforms, the `use-dialog-box'
          variable is no longer temporarily changed (to `nil' for
          R-x.y.z version  functions and to `t' for `R' itself), but
          rather the user  customization is obeyed.

        * ESS[R]: more Roxygen improvements.

        * `Rd-preview-help' now generates preview buffers with
          navigation facilities the same as regular help buffers.

        * ESS: New functions and keys C-c [up] / [down]  for evaluating
          the buffer "from beginning till here".

     Changes/New Features in 5.12:
        * ESS[SAS] Font-locking:  update of PROCs keywords (up to SAS
          9.22); error/warnings.

        * ESS[R]: Roxygen improvements: S4 classes;  also optionally
          keep spaces when filling arguments

        * ESS[Rd]: support new keywords:  section-name \subsection plus
          a dozen "new" keywords; should match R  2.12.x now.

        * `ess-display-help-on-object' (`C-c C-v')  now _caches_ the
          list of topics, thus speeding up the improvement  feature
          introduced in 5.9.

     Changes/New Features in 5.11:
        * Filename completion within buffers now adds only trailing
          characters to complete the filename, rather than expanding to
          an absolute file path.  This filename completion is bound to
          the TAB key.

        * `M-n P' in Sweave buffers now prompts for the command to run
          instead of using `pdflatex' unconditionally, offering
          completion from customizable collection
          `ess-swv-pdflatex-commands', the first of which is taken as
          default and that defaults to `texi2pdf'.

        * `M-RET' is now also bound in S language (R and S+) buffers to
          `ess-use-this-dir'. It sends `setwd(..)' to the S process to
          set the working directory to the one of the source file.


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