Bug#594750: ess: debian-pkg-add-load-path-item

Kevin Ryde user42 at zip.com.au
Thu Sep 2 03:24:15 CEST 2010

Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd at debian.org> writes:
> So ... just that and NOT the next block? Or both?

I agree with the flavour dir bit, but think the source dir can be done

> This is how we've done it for years and nobody complains.

Perhaps out of ignorance, or because it only affects a few things.  It's
come up on the emacs-devel list how the debian setups make a bit of a
mess of load path shadowing.

If there is some genuine shadowing, like a package which has a newer
version of something already in emacs, then the .el in the same dir as
the .elc makes it clear what come from what.  It may ensure the right
file is reached by the source-file hyperlinks in the help system too.

A big advantage of the symlinking idea is that particular files can be
chosen for particular emacs flavours.  Eg. include xemacs specifics,
exclude parts incorporated into emacs already, etc.  This mainly affects
a grab-bag like emacs-goodies-el, but can creep into biggish packages.

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