ESS 5.10 released

Martin Maechler maechler at
Tue Jun 8 10:01:55 CEST 2010

Dear ESS users,

I have released ESS 5.10 about an hour ago. 
This is mainly a "cleanup" release which fixes
- compatibility problems of the latest "ess-rutils" with Xemacs (notably in the
  automated Debian build), 
- a problem with the ESS-Sweave interface when filenames
  contained spaces
- the fact that I had to amend the 5.9 release with a 5.9.1 release ;-)

and provides the new feature

        * `M-RET' in *S* buffers is now bound to `ess-dirs'.  This
          function will set Emacs's current directory to be the same as
          the *S* process.  This is useful if you use `setwd()' within
          a *S* process.

In behalf of the ESS core team,
Martin Maechler, 
ETH Zurich

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