ESS 5.7.1 released (was 'ESS 5.7 released')

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at
Mon Dec 7 23:59:40 CET 2009

On 7 December 2009 at 23:24, Martin Maechler wrote:
| and you would not believe it...
| I've managed to rush the 5.7 release so much that it ended up 
| *NOT* containing the bug fix I applied and carefully tested....
| hence yet another release,
| this time using  a 3 part version number 5.7.1
| in order to indicate that it's really what  5.7  was meant to
| be

Apologies from my end too -- had I been more awake, I might have noticed that
'svn up' didn't bring new .el files. Doh.

Anyway, 5.7.1 is now off to Debian unstable -- with thanks to Martin for the
fix to the nonfix :)


Three out of two people have difficulties with fractions.

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