ESS 5.6 released ___ do NOT propagate it __

Martin Maechler maechler at
Mon Dec 7 08:52:36 CET 2009

I'm appalled to have to say

    "ESS Release 5.6 was *NO* good! "

In trying to fix a long-standing windows-only problem
(C-c C-l does not automatically start R initially, as it does on
 other platforms),
I've managed to  last-minute "break" ESS before releasing,
i.e.,  in ESS 5.6,  the  windows-only problem has become
a  ``platform-independent feature''
and  C-c C-l (load-file)  does not work at all AFAICS.

The rest seems ok (and that's why I hadn't noticed the break).

I plan to release 5.7 later today.

PLEASE!  Do not release  5.6  for  Debian / SuSE / Windows /... !


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