ESS 5.3.9 release -- withdrawn ! --

Martin Maechler maechler at
Tue Nov 25 15:17:35 CET 2008

I'm very sorry, quite embarrassed and a bit frustrated
to have to announce that I must withdraw the release of ESS 5.3.9,
since I've detected a bug introduced into ess-noweb.el ca two
weeks ago.  
It breaks important parts of "Rnw-mode" at least on a standard
Emacs 22.2 platform.  
Mostly embarrassing is the fact that no one within ESS-core has
detected the bug in due time.

The current plan is to replace 5.3.9 by 5.3.10 within very few
days, maybe even just hours.

Martin Maechler

>>>>> "MM" == Martin Maechler <maechler at>
>>>>>     on Tue, 25 Nov 2008 10:24:04 +0100 writes:

    MM> Dear ESS users and lovers, I have just released ESS
    MM> 5.3.9.  It contains several small improvements / fixes,
    MM> and notably features support for Roxygen.

    MM> Get it from

    MM> The full set of "New Features" is mentioned in the
    MM> following official 'ANNOUNCE'ment.

    MM> For the ESS-core team, Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich

    MM> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    MM> The ESS Developers proudly announce the release of ESS

    MM>    5.3.9


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