[ESS-bugs] ess-mode 18.10.3snapshot [<unknown>]; Indenting in stata mode seems to call ess-indent-line in an infinite loop

Brendan Halpin brend@n@h@|p|n @end|ng |rom u|@|e
Thu Mar 14 16:48:42 CET 2019

On Thu, Mar 14 2019, Alex Branham wrote:

> Now the question becomes: Do we want to "fix" this? It seems a little
> crazy to me that stata-mode relies on R's indentation engine. We could
> just let stata-mode use Emacs's default indent-line-function (which is
> indent-relative) and add a note about this in the NEWS.

I would prefer something that indents appropriately within loops, and
after line continuation markers:

forvalues i = 1/5 {
    di "`i'"

line y x, lc(red) ///

I may be getting it wrong, but I don't think indent-relative will do this.


Brendan Halpin, Department of Sociology, University of Limerick, Ireland
Tel: w +353-61-213147
Room CS2-028 x 3147
Papers online at: http://teaching.sociology.ul.ie/bhalpin/publications.html
ULSociology on Facebook: Sociology using Limerick twitter:@ULSociology

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