[ESS-bugs] \Sexpr

Therneau, Terry M., Ph.D. therneau at mayo.edu
Tue May 3 18:29:51 CEST 2016

A serious annoyance is when I use $ within an \Sexpr{  }.  Ess goes into math mode.  This 
a quite common paradym in my Rnw documents.  Is this addressable?

Footnote: before sending this I made sure to get the latest ESS. On an Xubuntu box I tried 
the instructions and they just didn't work.  It turns out that I had to remove 
/usr/share/emacs23/site-lisp/savefile/*ess* before anything would take; until that point 
it continued to load 13.09-1, the version from the Ubuntu repository.
   make install:  puts a new one in /etc/share/emacs
   remove /etc/share/emacs23/ess and /etc/share/emacs23/savefile/*ess*
   add /etc/share/emacs/site-lisp to my emacs path
Now I see the new one.

Terry T.

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