[ESS-bugs] ess-mode 13.09 [svn: 5778 (2013-09-27)]; must start graphics on mac explicitly

Stephen Eglen S.J.Eglen at damtp.cam.ac.uk
Fri Nov 8 16:42:47 CET 2013

> I just rebuilt Emacs git tip.
> The exact same bug when run as an "app" (with the window system).
> The correct behavior when run with "--no-w" (console application).
> The Emacs I have downloaded behaves the same (bad as an app, good in
> console).

Mmm... reading the long thread about Emacs + python,


its an issue affecting many Emacs modes, and so not ESS specific.  I'll
be keeping an eye out for this, as I was hoping to take advantage of the
free upgrade to 10.9.  


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