[ESS-bugs] Was: New ESS is badly messed up

Vitalie Spinu spinuvit at gmail.com
Tue Jan 29 22:49:37 CET 2013

  >> Terry Therneau <therneau at mayo.edu>
  >> on Tue, 29 Jan 2013 15:29:59 -0600 wrote:

  > 3. Using the new one, my .Rnw files were bad.  Vitalie gave me the path to
  > fixing un this one, which was that indeed, there was a bit of code still living
  > in my emacs init that had to do with .Rnw; copied from who knows where at some
  > past date.  I removed it, and now .Rnw files are fine.

Ok, happy that the things worked out :)

  > Two issues remain:
  > 4. Formatting of any .nw files is now a mess.  I do have an association between
  > .nw and noweb-mode in the alist, but whatever is currenly being loaded is awful.
  >   How do I figure out which nw-mode chunk is being used?  Maybe even go back to
  > the prior one, which worked well.

I am also not a noweb-mode user and cannot help you here,
sorry. Previous one was ours (I think) because it war overloading the
standard noweb. You can try associating .nw files with ess-noweb-mode
but it was heavily tweaked towards R recently to avoid other issues. It
might still work. 

  > 5. The issue I started with.  I use noweb style for some large R projects: think
  > "survival" and "coxme".  In this usage code inclusions are very common.  Here
  > are a few lines from coxph.Rnw, which is code, not Sweave.
  > <<coxph>>=
  > coxph <- function(formula, data, weights, subset, na.action,
  >     init, control, ties= c("efron", "breslow", "exact"),


  > <<coxph-setup>>
  > <<coxph-penal>>
  > <<coxph-compute>>
  > <<coxph-finish>>
  >     }
  > @
  > Then there is more text, often with lots of latex formulas, interspresed with
  > the definitions of coxph-compute and such.

I have added this one to the list of known bugs. Will try to look into
it some day. But as you also pointed, it is not critical. I personally
was not aware of this feature, and I bet not many users are.


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