[ESS-bugs] ESS mode for Emacs

Jean-Baptiste Rouquier jrouquie at gmail.com
Thu Jun 2 14:25:21 CEST 2011

Dear ESS team,
I am an emacs fan and infrequent user of ESS. As such, I have installed the
debian package "ess" to conveniently write R scripts with emacs. But most of the
time, I don't use the "*ESS*" buffer, so it is a bit irritating that it always
appears in the buffer list and make it a bit cluttered each time I switch
buffer.  Also, loading ESS everytime I launch emacs slightly increases the
startup time.

The fix is to use the "autoload" emacs function, to load ESS just in time when
needed, and not to use the "require" function. Most other emacs modes I use do
this, so it seems to be the standard.
I'm attaching a patch, this fix works, but I have not tested it extensively.

Bascally, I am suggesting to modify those lines from the ESS README about Unix

  2. Then, add the line
          (require 'ess-site)
     to `~/.emacs' and restart Emacs.

Thanks a lot,

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