[ESS-bugs] Splus version 6 or 8 .. {was "Request that ..."}

Tim Hesterberg timh at insightful.com
Thu Dec 27 18:42:27 CET 2007

Ouch.  That isn't supposed to happen.  I'll see what I can do.

>Hi Tim,  for me, unfortunately, Splus 6.x is still the current
>version, in spite of the fact, that ETH has paid its academic
>(site) licence for S-plus every year, probably since about 1988
>or whenver "Stat.Sci" began.
>Splus 7 and now Splus 8.x have been "delivered" but are not ever
>used from all our linux workstations, because part of the
>licence server business has always failed, and failed still,
>recently when the IT staff tried to get S-plus 8.x running.
>We (ETH / Math.dept of ETH) use quite a bit of software with
>such licence server keys, and ETH-IT has a dedicated
>licence-server machine just for this purpose; it seems all other
>software runs fine, but S-plus has not ... ever since S-plus 7.x
>came out..

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