[ESS-bugs] ess-mode 5.3.4; Words of praise, suggestions

Markus Triska markus.triska at gmx.at
Mon Feb 12 17:11:19 CET 2007

Hi ESS-Team,

first of all, thank you so much for ESS, it makes my work much easier.
Second, I recommend the following ess-write-to-dribble-buffer:

(defun ess-write-to-dribble-buffer (text)
  "Write TEXT to dribble buffer."
  (unless (buffer-live-p ess-dribble-buffer)
    ;; ESS dribble buffer must be re-created.
    (setq ess-dribble-buffer (get-buffer-create "*ESS*")))
  (let (deactivate-mark)
    (with-current-buffer ess-dribble-buffer
      (goto-char (point-max))
      (insert text))))

The most important change is that deactivate-mark is set to nil, so
that the region, if active, isn't deactivated. Without this, in
transient-mark-mode in GNU Emacs, highlighting of the region is lost
when moving over chunks, and M-h (= mark-paragraph) on chunks doesn't
work as expected.

The with-current-buffer macro I use can help to replace many
"set-buffer, save-excursion" calls in other places as well.

The "(if (not ...))" is replaced by "unless". This and the "when"
construct can simplify a lot of code in noweb-mode.el, which uses many
"if" constructs with only one branch. For example, a patch simplifying

Index: noweb-mode.el
--- noweb-mode.el	(revision 3696)
+++ noweb-mode.el	(working copy)
@@ -1209,35 +1209,30 @@
   (let ((this-chunk-index (noweb-find-chunk-index-buffer)))
     ;; Has the last change to the buffer taken us into a different
     ;; chunk ?
-    (if (not (equal this-chunk-index noweb-last-chunk-index))
-        (progn
-          (setq noweb-last-chunk-index this-chunk-index)
-          (if (noweb-in-code-chunk)
-              ;; Inside a code chunk
-              (progn
-                ;; Find out which code mode to use
-                (noweb-set-chunk-code-mode)
-                ;; If we aren't already using it, use it.
-                (if (not (equal major-mode noweb-code-mode))
-                    (progn
-                      (funcall noweb-code-mode)
-                      (run-hooks 'noweb-select-mode-hook)
-                      (run-hooks 'noweb-select-code-mode-hook))))
-            ;; Inside a documentation chunk
-            (progn
-              (if (not (equal major-mode noweb-doc-mode))
-                  (progn
-                    (funcall noweb-doc-mode)))
-              (if (not noweb-doc-mode-syntax-table)
-                  (progn
-                    (message "Setting up syntax table")
-                    (setq noweb-doc-mode-syntax-table
-                          (make-syntax-table (syntax-table)))
-                    (noweb-set-doc-syntax-table)))
-              (set-syntax-table noweb-doc-mode-syntax-table)
-              (run-hooks 'noweb-select-mode-hook)
-              (run-hooks 'noweb-select-doc-mode-hook)))
-          (run-hooks 'noweb-changed-chunk-hook)))))
+    (unless (equal this-chunk-index noweb-last-chunk-index)
+      (setq noweb-last-chunk-index this-chunk-index)
+      (if (noweb-in-code-chunk)
+	  ;; Inside a code chunk
+	  (progn
+	    ;; Find out which code mode to use
+	    (noweb-set-chunk-code-mode)
+	    ;; If we aren't already using it, use it.
+	    (unless (equal major-mode noweb-code-mode)
+	      (funcall noweb-code-mode)
+	      (run-hooks 'noweb-select-mode-hook)
+	      (run-hooks 'noweb-select-code-mode-hook)))
+	;; Inside a documentation chunk
+	(unless (equal major-mode noweb-doc-mode)
+	  (funcall noweb-doc-mode))
+	(unless noweb-doc-mode-syntax-table
+	  (message "Setting up syntax table")
+	  (setq noweb-doc-mode-syntax-table
+		(make-syntax-table (syntax-table)))
+	  (noweb-set-doc-syntax-table))
+	(set-syntax-table noweb-doc-mode-syntax-table)
+	(run-hooks 'noweb-select-mode-hook)
+	(run-hooks 'noweb-select-doc-mode-hook))
+      (run-hooks 'noweb-changed-chunk-hook)))))
 (defvar noweb-doc-mode noweb-default-doc-mode
   "Default major mode for editing noweb documentation chunks.

All the best,
Markus Triska

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