[ESS-bugs] ess-mode 5.3.3; lisp nesting exceeds max-lisp-eval-depth

Richard M. Heiberger rmh at temple.edu
Wed Oct 11 19:08:42 CEST 2006

Ok, it all makes sense now.

R-2.4.0pat-win32.exe is the name of the R installer program.
It looks like you placed the installer in the same
c:/R/ directory as the executable.

In ESS-5.3.3 and for a while back, but not as far back as ESS-5.2.11,
ESS on Windows looks for all files named R-2* that are in the directory containing
the current R distribution.  It found for example

It then appends "bin/Rterm.exe" to each of them and adds it to the menu.

At the time of ESS-5.2.11 (Nov 2005), the Windows versions of R had names like rw2011.
Beginning with R-2.2.0 in December 2005, R changed the Windows distribution names
to the R-x.y.z format to match the Unix names.  Therefore, at the same time,
ESS on Windows also started looking for the R-x.y.z names.

The fix is very simple: keep the installer programs somewhere else.
I keep them in C:/HOME/software.zips/R/


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