[ESS-bugs] Object completion in R buffer doesn't finish with options(error=recover)

Richard M. Heiberger rmh at temple.edu
Fri Sep 15 06:06:09 CEST 2006

> This will leave .Last.value in an undesired state for the user,
> but who really needs .Last.value  when using ESS? -- I've never
> used it I think in the last 10 years.

I like .Last.value and do use it.  I would like ESS to allow .Last.value
to take the value of the last item that ESS sent over to R/S-Plus.
My reason is that I use ESS with the S-Plus Windows GUI.  The S-Plus Windows
GUI is an independent process, not inferior to ESS, and maintains the
.Last.value as if the ESS-sent lines had been typed into the Commands Window.  I want
an option that will permit that same behavior to manifest in the Sqpe running
inside ESS and in R running inside ESS.

I looked for that in the ESS code and decided it was very deeply hidden.
So if you are planning to modify .Last.value behavior to prevent the current issue
of an infinite loop with options(error=recover) from happening, perhaps you
will be able at the same time figure out how to make .Last.value an option.

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