[ESS-bugs] Starting evaluation... hangs (another try)
Richard M. Heiberger
rmh at temple.edu
Thu Aug 17 14:21:28 CEST 2006
> options(continue=" ")
ESS is not interpreting the R language. The only way ESS knows it is required
to read a line is to look at the first character on the next line. Consider
what happens when you start a long computation: the cursor sits at the beginning
of a line. You don't want ESS to start reading new information at the point.
You want it to wait for your output to appear. ESS sees what you are calling a
blank continuation prompt as an instruction to wait for output.
I recommend that you use the standard continuation prompt.
ESS is very smart about the prompts. There are at least two ways to
get the effect that I think you are looking for.
1. When you have a multi-line command
in either the *R* buffer or in a myfile.rt buffer, you can place the cursor
on any line of the command and press the ENTER key. The entire command, stripped
of the prompts, is sent to R for evaluation.
2. When you are in a myfile.rt buffer,
you can use the two- or three-command sequence to turn the buffer into an R script.
## convert the entire buffer
C-x C-q ## turn off read-only
M-x ess-transcript-clean-buffer
## convert the highlighted region
C-x C-q ## turn off read-only
### highlight a region
M-x ess-transcript-clean-region
Now write the buffer to a new my.constructed.file.r file.
You will probably want to edit out the false starts and redundant commands
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