[ESS-bugs] ess-mode 5.2.8; opening file with tramp mode -> error

David Reitter david.reitter at gmail.com
Tue Feb 28 20:50:21 CET 2006

ps.: i failed to submit a signed message to this list - seems like it  
isn't allowed to send secure messages (S/MIME with certificate via  
attachment) to this list. I'm trying again - apologies if you get  
this twice.

I tried to open a file on a remote machine via tramp and got an  
error. The stack trace is

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (file-error "Opening directory" "no  
such file or directory" "/ssh:dreitter at ssh.inf.ed.ac.uk:/home/ 
   file-name-all-completions("R-1" "")
   mapcar(ess-find-exec-completions ("R-1" "R-2"))

ƒYÒ Ó %Ô ‚\\Õ Ö×ØÙ\"!‰ƒx×Ú\n 
ä*ч" [ess-microsoft-p system-type ess-versions-created ess-r- 
versions-created ess-rterm-versions-created ess-sqpe-versions-created  
S S+6 Sqpe Sqpe+6 s-mode S+6-mode s-transcript-mode S+6-transcript- 
mode gnu/linux S-transcript-mode S-mode nil ess-sqpe-versions-create  
ess-find-rterm ess-rterm-versions-create ess-r-versions-create ess- 
flatten-list mapcar #[(x) "Á!
J‡" [x boundp] 2] (ess-r-versions-created ess-rterm-versions- 
created ess-sqpe-versions-created) #[(x) "ÁÂ!Ã#‡" [x vector  
intern t] 4] easy-menu-add-item ("Start Process") "Other" add-hook  
ess-mode-hook turn-on-font-lock t ess-transcript-mode-hook inferior- 
ess-mode-hook "always" ess-rterm-versions new-menu ess-mode-menu  
window-system inferior-ess-font-lock-input ess-keep-dump-files] 6)
   set-auto-mode-0(R-mode nil)
   after-find-file(nil t)
   find-file-noselect-1(#<buffer stats2.R> "/ 
ssh:dreitter at ssh.inf.ed.ac.uk:/home/dreitter/PhD/stats/stats2.R" nil  
nil "/ssh:dreitter at ssh.inf.ed.ac.uk:/amd/nfs/pegasus/disk/ptn053/ 
dreitter/PhD/stats/stats2.R" ((67 . 59352) (-1 0)))
   find-file-noselect("/ssh:dreitter at ssh.inf.ed.ac.uk:/home/dreitter/ 
PhD/stats/stats2.R" nil nil t)
   find-file("/ssh:dreitter at ssh.inf.ed.ac.uk:/home/dreitter/PhD/stats/ 
stats2.R" t)

*Messages* shows:

tramp: Sending the Perl `mime-decode' implementations.
tramp: Checking remote encoding command `mimencode -b' for sanity
tramp: Checking remote decoding command `mimencode -u -b' for sanity
tramp: Checking to see if encoding/decoding commands work on remote  
tramp: Sending the Perl script `tramp_file_attributes'...done.
tramp: Encoding remote file /ssh:dreitter at ssh.inf.ed.ac.uk:/home/ 
tramp: Decoding remote file /ssh:dreitter at ssh.inf.ed.ac.uk:/home/ 
tramp: Decoding remote file /ssh:dreitter at ssh.inf.ed.ac.uk:/home/ 
dreitter/PhD/stats/stats2.R with function base64-decode-region...
Wrote /tmp/tramp.5541gRK
tramp: Decoding remote file /ssh:dreitter at ssh.inf.ed.ac.uk:/home/ 
tramp: Inserting local temp file `/tmp/tramp.5541gRK'...done
Loading ess-site...
Entering debugger...

Emacs  : GNU Emacs (powerpc-apple-darwin7.9.0)
  of 2006-02-28 on rodrigues.inf.ed.ac.uk - Aquamacs Distribution  
Package: ess-mode 5.2.8

current state:
  ess-language "Initial"
  ess-dialect nil
  ess-ask-for-ess-directory t
  ess-ask-about-transfile nil
  ess-directory nil
  ess-keep-dump-files 'ask
  ess-source-directory "/tmp/"
[ess-site.el]: ess-customize-alist=nil
[ess-site.el _2_]: ess-customize-alist=nil

http://aquamacs.org -- Aquamacs: Emacs on Mac OS X

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