[ESS-bugs] ess-beginning-of-function - bug in {R and S}-mode

Martin Maechler maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch
Fri Jul 8 12:58:06 CEST 2005

>>>>> "MM" == Martin Maechler <maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch>
>>>>>     on Thu, 7 Jul 2005 17:36:48 +0200 writes:

>>>>> "StEgl" == Stephen Eglen <S.J.Eglen at damtp.cam.ac.uk>
>>>>>     on Wed, 6 Jul 2005 10:15:20 +0100 writes:

    >>> C-M-a and C-M-e   and all other ess-function-* commands fail 
    >>> for things like
    >>> myfun <-
    >>> ## bla1
    >>> ## bla2
    >>> ## bla3
    >>> ## bla4
    >>> function(x) {
    >>> .........
    >>> .........
    >>> }
    >>> as long as your (point) is inside the  '## bla.' comment lines
    >>> John Chambers has been using this syntax extensively,
    >>> and actually S4 has defined that the '## bla?" lines are made
    >>> into a ``dummy help page'' as long as no real help page exists.
    >>> and IIRC, this even works in S-plus {but not in R}.

    StEgl> sounds like a good way to get docstrings, in the same way that Emacs
    StEgl> does at the top of a function definition!  I'd have slightly prefered
    StEgl> the look of something like:

    StEgl> myfun <- function(x) {
    StEgl> ## bla1
    StEgl> ##...
    StEgl> code
    StEgl> }

    MM> I still prefer this -- quite a bit --- 

    StEgl> but if it is already in S and John C uses it, that's good enough for
    StEgl> me to start thinking about changing.  (Is it likely that R will adopt
    StEgl> this convention for an informal doc string?)

    MM> This is really something that should be asked on R-devel;
    MM> or in particular to those in R-core who dare to fiddle with the
    MM> parser.

    MM> In R, currently, it does ``not really work''
    MM> because all the comments between "myfun"  and  " <- function(x)"
    MM> are lost as early as when *parsing* the things.

    StEgl> I'm unlikely to get a chance to look at this soon, but will put it on
    StEgl> my list of things to look at, as it sounds like a good thing to
    StEgl> encourage documentation in this way.

    MM> I felt an urgency to look at our {beginning / end} of function
    MM> parsing, because when working with S4 methods and classes, the
    MM> current ESS behavior is really a bit painful for someone who is
    MM> used to
    MM> M-C-a  M-C-e  or Stephen's own  "C-x n d"  == narrow-to-defun
    MM> which can be used in ess mode as well :

    MM> Code like the following appears ``every where''

setMethod("ranef", signature(object = "lmer"),
          function(object, accumulate = FALSE, ...) {
              val <- new("lmer.ranef",
                         lapply(.Call("lmer_ranef", object, PACKAGE = "Matrix"),
                                data.frame, check.names = FALSE),
                         varFac = object at bVar,
                         stdErr = .Call("lmer_sigma", object,
                         object at method == "REML", PACKAGE = "Matrix"))
              if (!accumulate || length(val at varFac) == 1) return(val)
              ## check for nested factors
              L <- object at L
              if (any(sapply(seq(a = val), function(i) length(L[[Lind(i,i)]]@i))))
                  error("Require nested grouping factors to accumulate random effects")

    MM> but we only get an error when the function boundaries are
    MM> sought.

    MM> I thought I had above case ("setMethod.....") almost working,
    MM> but ``not quite'' and
    MM> I am now seeing that the definitions for
    MM> ess-beginning-of-function
    MM> ess-end-of-function
    MM> in ess-mode.el  where really geared to S3 and can hardly work
    MM> with other languages.
    MM> As a matter of fact:  
    MM> They (and hence the C-M-a and C-M-e keys)
    MM> must fail completely since no "ess-function-pattern" is
    MM> defined for other ESS - languages

    MM> My fix would even more make these even more dependent on  S (R || S-plus)..
    MM> ...ugly...but I'd tend to commit that hack, since I really want something
    MM> working for myself when using setMethod(.), setGeneric(.), etc 
    MM> all over the place.

    MM> After all, we have this in  ess-cust.el  
    MM> {just before the definition of  
    MM> ess-R-function-pattern and ess-S-function-pattern
    MM> and I'm sure these used to be in ess-mode.el close to the
    MM> ess-beg/end-of-function definitions} :

    MM> ;; FIXME : This is just for the S dialects;  need to define this for others,
    MM> ;; -----
    MM> ;;  {however  "XLS-mode" should just use standard lisp "beginning of function"}

I've spent much (quite frustrating) time now hacking the
ess-beginning-of-function such that it now seems to work with
setMethod() et all.

I need to clean up my hack before committing.

But when doing this I really found that the patterns mentioned above,
and ess-R-function-pattern
now have become so complicated that they should not be
customizable any more. I propose to move them from ess-cust.el
to ess-mode.el {the only place where they are used} and make
them simple  (defvar .)'s instead of (defconst .)'s.  

Does anyone see a problem with this?

[Tony, you were the one who at one time wanted everything moved
 to  ess-cust.el,  right ?]

    StEgl> Presumably this form of function definition also is not captured by
    StEgl> the imenu code?

    MM> {I have to admit that I almost never use the imenu stuff}

I've now looked: 
  - Yes, Stephen, the ``comments before "<-" ''
     also foul up the imenu parsing

  - At least *it* can deal with SetMethod() etc
    and since this morning {when I committed an enhancement},
    it can also deal with setReplaceMethod(.)
    or  setAs(.)


{Feedback welcome!}


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