Fwd: Re: [ESS-bugs] ess-mode 5.2.4; Bad file name completion in emacs on Windows

Richard M. Heiberger rmh at temple.edu
Mon Jan 17 03:43:30 CET 2005

Directory names with embedded spaces are just not a good design.
I see several workarounds and an outline of two ideas on how to do it correctly.

1. Use the minibuffer, for example
C-x C-f c:/Doc<TAB>
That works correctly.  Then highlight and copy the file name from the minibuffer
and paste it into the *R* buffer.

2. manually convert
c:/Documents and Settings/
When you do that M-TAB works correctly.

3. Use the builtin emacs function w32-short-file-name
to convert from
c:/Documents and Settings/
This is not trivial because w32-short-file-name requires M-: instead of M-x

do it right.
4. To do it right, I think the M-TAB completion should by default execute
the w32-short-file-name function.

5. Figure out why it works correclty in the minibuffer and copy that into the *R* buffer.

---- Original message ----
>Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2005 07:33:40 JST
>From: hono-tky at umin.ac.jp (小野 啓)  
>Subject: Re: [ESS-bugs] ess-mode 5.2.4; Bad file name completion in emacs on Windows  
>To: rmh at temple.edu
>Thank you for your reply. I understand M-TAB.
>However, after I got
>c:/Documents and Settings/
>I cannot proceed to lower path completions.
>TAB or M-TAB changes this to
>> scan("c:/Documents and c:/cygwin/home/hiraku/Settings/
>This may happen when the directory name contains spaces.
>C-c TAB does nothing.
>Thank you,
>Hiraku Ono
>hono-tky at umin.ac.jp

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