#!/usr/bin/perl -w use CGI qw/:standard/; use CGI::Pretty; $CGI::Pretty::INDENT = ""; use FileManager; use Batch; use BioC; use Site; use strict; # Create the global CGI instance our $cgi = new CGI; # Create the global FileManager instance our $fm = new FileManager; # Handle initializing the FileManager session if ($cgi->param('token') || $cgi->cookie('bioctoken')) { my $token = $cgi->param('token') ? $cgi->param('token') : $cgi->cookie('bioctoken'); if ($fm->init_with_token($UPLOAD_DIR, $token)) { error('Upload session has no files') if !($fm->filenames > 0); } else { error("Couldn't load session from token: ". $cgi->param('token')) if $cgi->param('token'); } } if (! $cgi->param('step')) { step1(); } elsif ($cgi->param('step') == 1) { step2(); } elsif ($cgi->param('step') == 2) { step3(); } else { error('There was an error in form input.'); } #### Subroutine: step1 # Make step 1 form #### sub step1 { print $cgi->header; site_header('Affymetrix Expression Analysis: affy'); print h1('Affymetrix Expression Analysis: affy'), h2('Step 1:'), start_form, hidden('step', 1), p('Enter upload manager token:', textfield('token', $fm->token, 30)), p('Enter number of CEL files:', textfield('numfiles', '', 10)), submit("Next Step"), end_form, p(a({-href=>"upload.cgi"}, "Go to Upload Manager")); print <<'END';

Quick Help

affy performs low-level analysis of Affymetrix data and calculates expression summaries for each of the probe sets. It processes the data in three main stages: background correction, normalization, and summarization. There are a number of different methods that can be used for each of those stages. affy can also be configured to handle PM-MM correction in several different ways.

To get started with affy, first upload all of your CEL files with the upload manager. Make sure to note your upload manager token. Next you must specify the number of CEL files to process. Generally, you should process all the CEL files for an experiment at once, to take maximum advantage of cross-chip normalization.

END site_footer(); } #### Subroutine: step2 # Handle step 1, make step 2 form #### sub step2 { my @filenames = $fm->filenames; my $numfiles = $cgi->param('numfiles'); my %labels; if (grep(/[^0-9]|^$/, $numfiles) || !($numfiles > 0)) { error('Please enter an integer greater than 0.'); } print $cgi->header; site_header('Affymetrix Expression Analysis: affy'); print h1('Affymetrix Expression Analysis: affy'), h2('Step 2:'), start_form, hidden('token', $fm->token), hidden(-name=>'step', -default=>2, -override=>1), hidden('numfiles', $cgi->param('numfiles')), p("Select files for expression analysis:"); print '', Tr(th('#'), th('File'), th('Sample Name')); for (my $i = 0; $i < $numfiles; $i++) { print Tr(td($i+1), td(popup_menu(-name=>"file$i", -values=>[$fm->filenames], -default=>$filenames[$i], -onChange=>"this.form.sampleNames[$i].value = this.value")), td(textfield('sampleNames', $cgi->param("file$i") ? $cgi->param("file$i") : $filenames[$i], 20))); } print '
', p("Choose the processing method:"), p($cgi->radio_group('process', ['RMA'], 'RMA')), p($cgi->radio_group('process', ['GCRMA'], '-')), p($cgi->radio_group('process', ['Custom'], '-')), '', p($cgi->checkbox('log2trans','checked','YES','Log base 2 transform the results (required for multtest)')), p($cgi->checkbox('fmcopy','checked','YES','Copy exprSet back to the upload manager for further analysis')), p("E-mail address where you would like your job status sent: (optional)", br(), textfield('email', '', 40)), p(submit("Submit Job")), end_form; print <<'END';

Quick Help

For information about each of the processing methods, see Ben Bolstad's PDF vignette, affy: Built-in Processing Methods. Not all of the methods work with one another so consult that document first.

Variance Stabilization (vsn) is a background correction and normalization method written as an add-on to affy. If you use it, make sure to set background correction to "none" as vsn already does this. For more information, see Wolfgang Huber's PDF vignette, Robust calibration and variance stabilization with VSN.

GCRMA is an expression measure developed by Zhijin Wu and Rafael A. Irizarry. It pools MM probes with similar GC content to form a pseudo-MM suitable for background correction of those probe pairs. For further information, please see their paper currently under preparation, A Model Based Background Adjustement for Oligonucleotide Expression Arrays.

END site_footer(); } #### Subroutine: step3 # Handle step 2, redirect web browser to results #### sub step3 { my $jobname = "affy-" . rand_token(); my (@filenames, $script, $output, $jobsummary, $custom, $error, $args, $job); my @custom = $cgi->param('custom'); for (my $i = 0; $i < $cgi->param('numfiles'); $i++) { error("File does not exist.") if !$fm->file_exists($cgi->param("file$i")); $filenames[$i] = $cgi->param("file$i"); } if ($cgi->param('email') && !check_email($cgi->param('email'))) { error("Invalid e-mail address."); } if ($cgi->param('process') eq "Custom" && !expresso_safe(@custom)) { error("Invalid custom processing method combination"); } $output = <Output Files: $jobname.txt
END $args = ""; if ($cgi->param('process') eq "Custom") { $args = ": " . join(' -> ', $cgi->param('custom')); } $jobsummary = jobsummary('Files', join(', ', @filenames), 'Sample Names', join(', ', $cgi->param('sampleNames')), 'Processing', scalar($cgi->param('process')) . $args, 'Copy back', $cgi->param('fmcopy') ? "Yes" : "No", 'E-Mail', scalar($cgi->param('email'))); $script = generate_r($jobname, [@filenames]); $error = create_files($jobname, $script, $output, $jobsummary, 15, "Affymetrix Expression Analysis", $cgi->param('email')); error($error) if $error; $job = new Batch; $job->type($BATCH_SYSTEM); $job->script("$RESULT_DIR/$jobname/$jobname.sh"); $job->name($jobname); $job->out("$RESULT_DIR/$jobname/$jobname.out"); $job->submit || error("Couldn't start job"); open(ID, ">$RESULT_DIR/$jobname/id") || error("Couldn't write job id file"); print ID $job->id; close(ID); log_job($jobname, "Affymetrix Expression Analysis", $fm); print $cgi->redirect("job.cgi?name=$jobname"); } #### Subroutine: generate_r # Generate an R script to process the data #### sub generate_r { my ($jobname, $celfiles) = @_; my $celpath = $fm->path; my @sampleNames = $cgi->param('sampleNames'); my $process = $cgi->param('process'); my @custom = $cgi->param('custom'); my $fmcopy = $cgi->param('fmcopy'); my $script; # Escape double quotes to prevent nasty hacking for (@$celfiles) { s/\"/\\\"/g } for (@sampleNames) { s/\"/\\\"/g } $process =~ s/\"/\\\"/g; for (@custom) { s/\"/\\\"/g } # Make R variables out of the perl variables $script = <param('log2trans') ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"]} END # Main data processing, entirely R $script .= <<'END'; library(affy) library(gcrma) library(vsn) normalize.AffyBatch.methods <- c(normalize.AffyBatch.methods, "vsn") setwd(filepath) if (process == "RMA") exprset <- rma(ReadAffy(filenames = filenames)) # This is causing an error on Linux but not Mac OS X # More investigation needed # exprset <- just.rma(filenames = filenames) if (process == "GCRMA") exprset <- gcrma(ReadAffy(filenames = filenames)) if (process == "Custom") { affybatch <- ReadAffy(filenames = filenames) bgcorrect.param <- list() if (custom[1] == "gcrma-eb") { custom[1] <- "gcrma" gcgroup <- getGroupInfo(affybatch) bgcorrect.param <- list(gcgroup, estimate = "eb", rho = 0.8, step = 60, lower.bound = 1, triple.goal = TRUE) } if (custom[1] == "gcrma-mle") { custom[1] <- "gcrma" gcgroup <- getGroupInfo(affybatch) bgcorrect.param <- list(gcgroup, estimate = "mle", rho = 0.8, baseline = 0.25, triple.goal = TRUE) } exprset <- expresso(affybatch, bgcorrect.method = custom[1], bgcorrect.param = bgcorrect.param, normalize.method = custom[2], pmcorrect.method = custom[3], summary.method = custom[4]) } colnames(exprset@exprs) <- samples log2methods <- c("medianpolish", "mas", "rlm") if (log2trans) { if (process == "Custom" && !(custom[4] %in% log2methods)) { exprset@exprs <- log2(exprset@exprs) exprset@se.exprs <- log2(exprset@se.exprs) } } else { if (process == "RMA" || process == "Custom" && custom[4] %in% log2methods) { exprset@exprs <- 2^exprset@exprs exprset@se.exprs <- 2^exprset@se.exprs } } END # Output results $script .= <header; site_header("Affymetrix Expression Analysis: affy"); print h1("Affymetrix Expression Analysis: affy"), h2("Error:"), p($error); site_footer(); exit(1); }