#!/usr/bin/perl -w use CGI qw/:standard/; use CGI::Pretty; $CGI::Pretty::INDENT = ""; use POSIX; use FileManager; use Batch; use BioC; use Site; use strict; # Test statistic descriptions our %tests = ('t'=>'two-sample Welch t-test (unequal variances)', 't.equalvar'=>'two-sample t-test (equal variances)', 'wilcoxon'=>'standardized rank sum Wilcoxon test', 'f'=>'F-test', 'pairt'=>'paired t-test', 'blockf'=>'block F-test'); # Multiple testing procedure descriptions our %procs = ('Bonferroni'=>'Bonferroni single-step FWER', 'Holm'=>'Holm step-down FWER', 'Hochberg'=>'Hochberg step-up FWER', 'SidakSS'=>'Sidak single-step FWER', 'SidakSD'=>'Sidak step-down FWER', 'BH'=>'Benjamini & Hochberg step-up FDR', 'BY'=>'Benjamini & Yekutieli step-up FDR', 'q'=>'Storey q-value single-step pFDR', 'maxT'=>'Westfall & Young maxT permutation FWER', 'minP'=>'Westfall & Young minP permutation FWER'); # Limit descriptions our %limits = ('total'=>'a total number of', 'teststat'=>'absolute test statistics greater than', 'rawp'=>'raw p-values less than', 'adjp'=>'adjusted p-values less than'); # Create the global CGI instance our $cgi = new CGI; # Create the global FileManager instance our $fm = new FileManager; # Handle initializing the FileManager session if ($cgi->param('token') || $cgi->cookie('bioctoken')) { my $token = $cgi->param('token') ? $cgi->param('token') : $cgi->cookie('bioctoken'); if ($fm->init_with_token($UPLOAD_DIR, $token)) { error('Upload session has no files') if !($fm->filenames > 0); } else { error("Couldn't load session from token: ". $cgi->param('token')) if $cgi->param('token'); } } if (! $cgi->param('step')) { step1(); } elsif ($cgi->param('step') == 1) { step2(); } elsif ($cgi->param('step') == 2) { step3(); } elsif ($cgi->param('step') == 3) { step4(); } else { error('There was an error in form input.'); } #### Subroutine: step1 # Make step 1 form #### sub step1 { print $cgi->header; site_header('Multiple Testing: multtest'); print h1('Multiple Testing: multtest'), h2('Step 1:'), start_form, hidden('step', 1), p('Enter upload manager token:', textfield('token', $fm->token, 30)), submit("Next Step"), end_form, p(a({-href=>"upload.cgi"}, "Go to Upload Manager")); print <<'END';

Quick Help

multtest includes several tests for differences in means (t-test, F-test, etc.) as well as a number of procedures for controlling the error rate for many simultaneous hypotheses. Such control is very important in the context of microarray experiments. Additionally, multtest provides the ability to make specific hypotheses about groups of genes within a microarray experiment and can select genes that meet certain testing criteria. Finally, muttest produces three diagnostic plots, an MA plot, a quantile-quantile plot, and a multiple testing procedure selectivity plot.

To get started with multtest, you must have a pre-existing exprSet in the upload manager. affy will create one and will place it back into the upload manager for you. Additionally, you may upload an exprSet of your own creation. It must be saved in an R data file and be the only object in that file. It may have any name you wish.

END site_footer(); } #### Subroutine: step2 # Handle step 1, make step 2 form #### sub step2 { my @filenames = $fm->filenames; print $cgi->header; site_header('Multiple Testing: multtest'); print h1('Multiple Testing: multtest'), h2('Step 2:'), start_form, hidden('token', $fm->token), hidden(-name=>'step', -default=>2, -override=>1), p("Select an exprSet for analysis:"), p(scrolling_list('file', \@filenames)), p('Enter number of experimental classes:', textfield('numclasses', 2, 10)), p(submit("Next Step")), end_form; print <<'END';

Quick Help

For t-tests and Wilcoxon tests, there must only be 2 experimental classes (generally a control and experimental class). However, for the ANOVA F-test, you may have more than two classes.

END site_footer(); } #### Subroutine: step3 # Handle step 2, make step 3 form #### sub step3 { my $filename = $cgi->param('file'); my $numclasses = $cgi->param('numclasses'); my @filenames = $fm->filenames; my ($name, @sampleNames, $annotation, $err); error('Please select an exprSet.') if !$filename; error('File not found.') if !$fm->file_exists($filename); if (grep(/[^0-9]|^$/, $numclasses) || !($numclasses > 0)) { error('Please enter an integer greater than 0.'); } $err = parse_exprSet($fm->path . "/$filename", \$name, \@sampleNames, 0, \$annotation); error($err) if $err; print $cgi->header; site_header('Multiple Testing: multtest'); print h1('Multiple Testing: multtest'), h2('Step 3:'), start_form, hidden('token', $fm->token), hidden(-name=>'step', -default=>3, -override=>1), hidden('file', $filename), hidden('name', $name), hidden('numsamples', scalar @sampleNames), p("Select the experimental class for each sample:"); print '', Tr(th('Sample Name'), th('Class Label')); my @classes = (0 .. $numclasses-1, "Ignore"); for (my $i = 0; $i < @sampleNames; $i++) { print Tr(td($sampleNames[$i]), td(radio_group("class$i", \@classes, floor($i/(@sampleNames)*$numclasses)))); } print '
', '
', p("Differential Expression/Null Hypothesis Test:"), p(scrolling_list('test', ['t', 't.equalvar', 'wilcoxon', 'f', 'pairt', 'blockf'], ['t'], 6, '', \%tests)), p("Raw/Nominal p-value calculation:"), p(radio_group('rawpcalc', ['Parametric', 'Permutation'], 'Parametric')), p("Side/Rejection Region:"), p(radio_group('side', ['abs', 'upper', 'lower'], 'abs')), '', p("Multiple testing procedure:"), p(scrolling_list('proc', ['Bonferroni', 'Holm', 'Hochberg', 'SidakSS', 'SidakSD', 'BY', 'BH', 'q', 'maxT', 'minP'], ['Bonferroni'], 10, '', \%procs)), '
', p(checkbox('limit', 'checked', 'YES', ''), "Limit results to", popup_menu('limittype', ['total', 'adjp', 'rawp', 'teststat'], 'total', \%limits), textfield('limitnum', 100, 10)), p("Test only these gene names: (optional)", br, textarea('genenames', '', 5, 80)), p(checkbox('exprs','','YES','Include expression values in results')), p(checkbox('fmcopy','','YES','Copy aafTable back to the upload manager for further annotation')), p("Web Page Title:", br, textfield('title', 'Multiple Testing Results', 40)), p("E-mail address where you would like your job status sent: (optional)", br, textfield('email', '', 40)), p(submit("Submit Job")), end_form; print <<'END';

Quick Help

The control group should almost always be in a lower class than the experimental group so that positive test statistics indicate increased expression and vice versa. Results are sorted first by adjusted p-value, then raw p-value, and finally test statistic.

For more information about multiple testing, see these two papers:

Y. Ge, S. Dudoit, and T. P. Speed (2003). Resampling-based multiple testing for microarray data analysis. TEST, Vol. 12, No. 1, p. 1-44 (plus discussion p. 44-77) [PDF]

S. Dudoit, J. P. Shaffer, and J. C. Boldrick (2003). Multiple hypothesis testing in microarray experiments. Statistical Science, Vol. 18, No. 1, p. 71-103. [PDF]

END site_footer(); } #### Subroutine: step4 # Handle step 3, redirect web browser to results #### sub step4 { my $jobname = "mt-" . rand_token(); my $genenames = $cgi->param('genenames'); $genenames =~ s/[,;"']/ /g; my @genenames = split(' ', $genenames); my ($script, $output, $jobsummary, $limit, @classlabel, $error, $job); if (grep(/[^0-9\.]|^$/, $cgi->param('limitnum')) || !($cgi->param('limitnum') > 0)) { error('Please enter an number greater than 0.'); } if ($cgi->param('email') && !check_email($cgi->param('email'))) { error("Invalid e-mail address."); } if (! $fm->file_exists($cgi->param('file'))) { error("File does not exist."); } for (my $i = 0; $i < $cgi->param('numsamples'); $i++) { $classlabel[$i] = $cgi->param("class$i"); } $script = generate_r($jobname, [@classlabel], [@genenames]); my $maqq = (grep(/t/, $cgi->param('test'))) ? '' : ""; $output = <Output Files: $jobname.html


END $limit = $cgi->param('limit') ? $limits{$cgi->param('limittype')} . " " . $cgi->param('limitnum') : "None"; $jobsummary = jobsummary('File', scalar($cgi->param('file')), 'Class labels', join(', ', @classlabel), 'Test', $tests{$cgi->param('test')}, 'Raw p-values', scalar($cgi->param('rawpcalc')), 'Side', scalar($cgi->param('side')), 'Procedure', $procs{$cgi->param('proc')}, 'Limit', $limit, 'Gene names', join(', ', @genenames), 'Expression', $cgi->param('exprs') ? "Yes" : "No", 'Copy back', $cgi->param('fmcopy') ? "Yes" : "No", 'Title', scalar($cgi->param('title')), 'E-Mail', scalar($cgi->param('email'))); $error = create_files($jobname, $script, $output, $jobsummary, 5, $cgi->param('title'), $cgi->param('email')); error($error) if $error; $job = new Batch; $job->type($BATCH_SYSTEM); $job->script("$RESULT_DIR/$jobname/$jobname.sh"); $job->name($jobname); $job->out("$RESULT_DIR/$jobname/$jobname.out"); $job->submit || error("Couldn't start job"); open(ID, ">$RESULT_DIR/$jobname/id") || error("Couldn't write job id file"); print ID $job->id; close(ID); log_job($jobname, $cgi->param('title'), $fm); print $cgi->redirect("job.cgi?name=$jobname"); } #### Subroutine: generate_r # Generate an R script to process the data #### sub generate_r { my ($jobname, $classlabel, $genenames) = @_; my $fmpath = $fm->path; my $filename = $cgi->param('file'); my $name = $cgi->param('name'); my $proc = $cgi->param('proc'); my $test = $cgi->param('test'); my $rawpcalc = $cgi->param('rawpcalc'); my $side = $cgi->param('side'); my $limit = $cgi->param('limit'); my $limittype = $cgi->param('limittype'); my $limitnum = $cgi->param('limitnum'); my $exprs = $cgi->param('exprs'); my $title = $cgi->param('title'); my $fmcopy = $cgi->param('fmcopy'); my $script; # Escape double quotes to prevent nasty hacking $filename =~ s/\"/\\\"/g; $name =~ s/\"/\\\"/g; for (@$classlabel) { s/\"/\\\"/g } $proc =~ s/\"/\\\"/g; $test =~ s/\"/\\\"/g; $rawpcalc =~ s/\"/\\\"/g; $side =~ s/\"/\\\"/g; $limittype =~ s/\"/\\\"/g; $limitnum =~ s/\"/\\\"/g; $title =~ s/\"/\\\"/g; # Make R variables out of the perl variables $script = < limitnum) if (limittype == "rawp") lim <- (mtdata$rawp < limitnum) if (limittype == "adjp") lim <- (mtdata$adjp < limitnum) if (!sum(lim)) stop("Specified limit produces no results.") } mtdata <- mtdata[lim,,drop=F] row.names(mtdata) <- geneNames(exprset)[which(selected)[index[lim]]] mtdata <- mtdata[2:4] colnames(mtdata) <- c(paste(test, "statistic"), "raw p-value", paste(proc, "-value", sep = "")) aaftable <- merge(aafTableFrame(mtdata[1], signed = (side == "abs")), aafTableFrame(mtdata[2:3])); if (max(classlabel) == 1) { x <- as.numeric(mean(as.data.frame(2^t(X[,(classlabel == 0)])))) y <- as.numeric(mean(as.data.frame(2^t(X[,(classlabel == 1)])))) fold <- y/x mtdata <- cbind(fold[index[lim]], mtdata) colnames(mtdata)[1] <- "Fold Change" aaftable <- merge(aafTable("Fold Change" = fold[index[lim]]), aaftable) } if (exprs) { mtdata <- cbind(mtdata, exprs(exprset)[index[lim],cols]) aaftable <- merge(aaftable, aafTableInt(exprset[which(selected)[index[lim]],cols])) } if (!limit) lim <- !lim limall <- logical(dim(X)[1]) limall[which(selected)[lim[order(index)]]] <- TRUE; END # Output results $script .= <header; site_header("Multiple Testing: multtest"); print h1("Multiple Testing: multtest"), h2("Error:"), p($error); site_footer(); exit(1); }