Dear All, Probably this question could have posted in other list, but since it affects AnnBuilder, I guessed that people used to working with the AnnBuilder package could help me. Basically I am having problems with ftp connections and then I can not use AnnBuilder. I have configured my computer following several instructions posted in the BioC mailing list and in the different R help functions, but still I have problems with some functions of AnnBuilder that I will describe next.. First I will give some details of my computer and R configuration. I am working with SUSE 10.1 My R session Info is: > sessionInfo() R version 2.5.1 (2007-06-27) i686-pc-linux-gnu attached base packages: [1] "tools" "stats" "graphics" "grDevices" "utils" "datasets" [7] "methods" "base" other attached packages: AnnBuilder annotate XML Biobase "1.14.0" "1.14.1" "0.99-93" "1.14.1" I set the following environmental variables as it is said in ?download.file and ch=proxy+settings unset no_proxy export http_proxy= export ftp_proxy= export https_proxy= export ftp_proxy_user="anonymous" export ftp_proxy_password="" I have also set the following R options (after reading ?download.file) options(timeout=86400) options(download.file.method="wget") options( Doing all this, I can not get ftp connection from R. However, when I do fto from a shell window, I do not have problems a all with ftp sites. I will describe the problem in detail below (related to the use of AnnBuilder) FIRST, the function AnnBuilder:::LoadFromUrl gave me an error message, due to download.file(..., method="internal"). The error was because download.file use method="internal", however download.file(…) went ok with method="wget" so I changed the code of the function LoadFromUrl to allow download.file(…) to use method=”wget” Here is what I changed in LoadFromUrl: options(show.error.messages = FALSE) if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") { tryMe <- try(download.file(srcUrl, fileName, method = "wget", quiet = TRUE)) DOING THIS, I CAN DOWNLOAD ANY FILE USING loadFromUrl(…), as I show here below: > myDir= tempdir( ) > loadFromUrl("" ,destDir =myDir,verbose=T) loading from URL: HYPERLINK "" [1] "/tmp/RtmpgGc8B2/" Then, it seems that the proxy problem (if this is the problem) is solved and I can access to ftp sites. However, after solving this, I got other error messages at other points of the execution of the ABPkgBuild function (…) Here is the whole ode that I am using and the error message: > library(AnnBuilder) > > myDir=tempdir() > fromWeb=TRUE > > Mapfile="HgbAG.txt" > myBase=file.path(Mapfile) > read.table(myBase,sep="\t",header=FALSE, V1 V2 1 A_24_P66027 NM_004900 2 A_24_P66028 AA085955 3 A_24_P66029 NM_014616 4 A_24_P66030 AK092846 5 A_24_P66031 NM_001539 6 A_24_P66032 THC2450799 7 A_24_P66033 NM_006709 8 A_24_P66034 NM_000978 9 A_24_P66035 T12590 10 A_24_P66037 NM_001017 11 A_24_P66038 AK021474 12 A_24_P66039 NM_198527 13 A_24_P66040 NM_000311 14 A_24_P66041 AK091028 15 A_24_P66042 AK057596 16 A_24_P66044 AY358648 17 A_24_P66045 AK026647 18 A_24_P66046 NM_032445 19 A_24_P66047 NM_004886 > > > myBaseType="gbNRef" # RefSeq & Genbank > > > > myChip="htest" > myOrg="Homo sapiens" > myVersion="0.0.1" > > > ABPkgBuilder( + baseName=myBase, + baseMapType=myBaseType, + pkgName=myChip, + pkgPath=myDir, + organism=myOrg, + version=myVersion, + otherSrc=NULL, + author=list(authors ="P. Lopez-Romero",maintainer=""), + fromWeb=TRUE) Attaching package: 'GO' The following object(s) are masked from package:AnnBuilder : GO Error in readURL(infoUrl) : Can't read from url: HYPERLINK "" This new error is in readURL is really casued by the readLines( …) function, as a consequence of the function file(con, “r”) (both functions belong to the base package). If I execute: > readLines(" > nfo") I get the following error: Error in file(con, "r") : unable to open connection In addition: Warning messages: 1: using FTP proxy ' http_proxy=' in: file(con, "r") 2: RxmlNanoFTPGetMore : read 0 [0 - 0] in: file(con, "r") 3: failed to get response from server in: file(con, "r") But if instead of using readLines(…) directly I use the following code, I can read the file: > tmp=tempdir() > tmp2=loadFromUrl(" > ns/",destDir=tmp) > readLines(tmp2) [1] "UniGene Build #204 Homo sapiens" [2] "" [3] "Sequences Included in UniGene" [4] "=============================" [5] "" [6] "Known genes are from GenBank 10 Jul 2007" [7] "ESTs are from dbEST through 10 Jul 2007" So I DECIDED TO MODIFY the code of readURL in /AnnBuilder/R/getSrcBuilt.R as I show below: > AnnBuilder:::readURL function (url) { con <- url(url) options(show.error.messages = FALSE) tmp <- tempdir() tmp2 <- loadFromUrl(con, destDir = tmp) temp <- try(readLines(tmp2)) close(con) options(show.error.messages = TRUE) if (!inherits(temp, "try-error")) { return(temp) } else { stop(paste("Can't read from url:", url)) } } THEN, readURL(…) WORKS, BUT NOT THE OTHERS THAT USE the readLines, as for example parseKEGGGenome(url = kegggenomeUrl) The only solution that I have figured out is to modify the code in all the AnnBuilder fucntions that make use of readLines, but this can be a cumbersome task, especially when I have to update the package. So far, I have tried as much as I could but the problem is still there and I do not know if it is an R option, a SUSE or proxy configuration. What puzzles me a lot is the fact that loadFromUrl(…) function works (I had to modify the code a bit, though) but not the readLine(…). I will appreciate it very much any help, since I am completely stuck at this point and I do not know what else I can try.- Thanks a lot.- Pedro Checked by AVG Free Edition. 18:05 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]