[BioC] limma vs t-test
Gordon K Smyth
smyth at wehi.EDU.AU
Thu May 29 09:16:03 CEST 2014
Dear Giovanni,
On Tue, 27 May 2014, Giovanni Bucci wrote:
> Hi Gordon,
> I have two questions regarding applying a t-test and limma to microarray
> data.
> 1. For large number of samples per condition (for example 100 samples used
> in the R code sent previously) do you expect a high correlation between the
> 2 sets of p values?
For every large sample sizes, one would obviously expect a high
correspondence in DE results between ordinary and moderated t. However
correlating p-values on the linear scale would be a poor way to show this,
because the correlation will be determined almost entirely by
non-significant p-values. Correlating t-statistics (ordinary vs moderated
t) would be better.
> The R code shows that there is no correlation between the p values when
> the distribution of the standard deviation is taken from a real
> microarray experiment.
Your code doesn't run for me, and does not look like a normal microarray
> However, the correlation is high when the standard deviation distribution
> is uniform.
> This suggests to me that the eBayes step in limma "adjusts" the standard
> deviation significantly when its distribution is similar to a microrarray
> experiment even though each condition has a large number of samples that
> already provides a good estimate of the standard deviation.
Your conclusion is incorrect.
> I would appreciate your thoughts on this since I might be missing something.
> 2. Most likely the number of microarray experiments that have 100
> samples per condition is very small. The number of experiments that
> could used a pooled variance is much higher. I would like to run some
> simulations that show the more conditions I have in an experiment the
> closer I get to the ground truth.
This is untrue. The variances estimates would converge (assuming that the
variances are indeed equal for every condition), but the fold-changes
would not become more precise with more groups.
> The idea here is similar to what happens to the law of large numbers.
> The more conditions you have in your experiment the better the estimate
> of the variance, the closer you get to the ground truth. Only that I do
> not know what the ground truth is. I thought that I could use the t-test
> with 100 samples in each condition, but since the ranking of genes is
> different than what limma produces, I'm not sure.
> So the question is, is it possible to produce a simulation which shows
> in a "law of large numbers" kind of fashion that the more conditions are
> included in the model the closer you get to the ground truth? Also it
> would be nice to show that limma is closer to the ground truth than the
> equivalent t-test.
A number of papers have shown that limma separates true DE genes from
nulls better than ordinary t. As the residual df becomes large, the
relative advantage of limma will diminish.
> Thank you,
> Giovanni
> On Sat, May 24, 2014 at 4:06 AM, Gordon K Smyth <smyth at wehi.edu.au> wrote:
>> Date: Thu, 22 May 2014 16:24:53 -0500
>>> From: Giovanni Bucci <giovannifbucci at gmail.com>
>>> To: bioconductor at r-project.org
>>> Subject: [BioC] limma vs t-test
>>> Hi everybody,
>>> I have a question regarding comparing limma to the t-test. I compared the
>>> p
>>> values obtained from both algorithms using 100 samples in each condition.
>>> Given the large number of observations my expectation was to see high
>>> correlation between the p values. As shown below, I ran the same code in
>>> three different conditions for the mean and standard deviation. The mean
>>> and standard deviation loaded from the google docs files are from a real
>>> micro array experiment.
>>> 1. mean and std from microarray exeperiment: no correlation between p
>>> values
>>> 2. constant fold change and std from microarray exeperiment: very small
>>> correlation
>>> 3. constant fold change and uniform std from 0.01 to 0.2: high correlation
>>> I understand that limma uses information across genes, but shouldn't this
>>> information be weighed with the number of observations for each condition?
>> limma does take account of the number of observations in each condition.
>> Gordon
>> Thank you,
>>> Giovanni
>>> library(RCurl)
>>> library(genefilter)
>>> library(limma)
>>> setwd(tempdir())
>>> ##
>>> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B__nP63GoFhMd042V09GcHFvVFE/edit?
>>> usp=sharing
>>> x = getBinaryURL("
>>> https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&id=0B__
>>> nP63GoFhMd042V09GcHFvVFE",
>>> followlocation = TRUE, ssl.verifypeer = FALSE)
>>> writeBin(x, "std_var.txt", useBytes = TRUE)
>>> std_var = as.matrix(read.table("std_var.txt",
>>> header = FALSE, sep = "\t", quote="\"", comment.char = ""
>>> ))
>>> ##
>>> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B__nP63GoFhMc2tFT3hXVW52Q0E/edit?
>>> usp=sharing
>>> x = getBinaryURL("
>>> https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&id=0B__
>>> nP63GoFhMc2tFT3hXVW52Q0E",
>>> followlocation = TRUE, ssl.verifypeer = FALSE)
>>> writeBin(x, "mean_var.txt", useBytes = TRUE)
>>> mean_var = as.matrix(read.table("mean_var.txt",
>>> header = FALSE, sep = "\t", quote="\"", comment.char = ""
>>> ))
>>> NO_OF_GROUPS = 2
>>> NO_OF_GENES = NROW(mean_var)
>>> gxexprs_GroundTruth = matrix(0, NO_OF_GENES,
>>> std_var_list = list(std_var, std_var,seq(.01,.2, length.out= NO_OF_GENES))
>>> simulated_mean = matrix(c(8,9),NO_OF_GENES,NO_OF_GROUPS, byrow=TRUE)
>>> mean_var_list = list(mean_var, simulated_mean, simulated_mean)
>>> main_list = list("micorarray mean and std", "means 8 and 9 and micorarray
>>> std", "means 8 and 9 and uniform std from 0.01 to 0.2")
>>> for(count_i in 1:3)
>>> {
>>> mean_var = mean_var_list[[count_i]]
>>> std_var = std_var_list[[count_i]]
>>> for(i in 1:NO_OF_GENES)
>>> {
>>> if ((i%%1000)==1)
>>> {
>>> cat(i, "\n")
>>> }
>>> for(j in 1:NO_OF_GROUPS)
>>> {
>>> gxexprs_GroundTruth[i, NO_OF_SAMP_PER_GROUP_GROUND_TRUTH*(j-1) +
>>> rnorm(NO_OF_SAMP_PER_GROUP_GROUND_TRUTH, mean_var[i,j], std_var[i])
>>> }
>>> }
>>> final_choice = c(1,2)
>>> Group = factor(sprintf("S%02d",
>>> rep(final_choice,each=NO_OF_SAMP_PER_GROUP_GROUND_TRUTH)
>>> ))
>>> t_test_pvals = rowttests(gxexprs_GroundTruth, fac=Group)$p.value
>>> design <- model.matrix(~0+Group)
>>> colnames(design) <- gsub("Group","",colnames(design))
>>> contrastsX = sprintf("S01 - S%02d",2)
>>> fit <- lmFit(gxexprs_GroundTruth, design)
>>> contrast.matrix <- makeContrasts(contrasts=contrastsX,levels=design)
>>> fit2 <- contrasts.fit(fit, contrast.matrix)
>>> fit2 <- eBayes(fit2)
>>> TTable = topTable(fit2, coef=1, adjust="fdr", number =
>>> nrow(gxexprs_GroundTruth))
>>> limma_pvals = TTable$P.Value[as.numeric(rownames(TTable))]
>>> dev.new()
>>> plot(-log10(limma_pvals), -log10(t_test_pvals), main=main_list[[count_i]])
>>> }
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