[BioC] gviz data track (heatmap) and title panel questions

Hahne, Florian florian.hahne at novartis.com
Mon May 12 13:54:13 CEST 2014

Hi Martin,
You can control the rotation of the title text using the rotate.title
parameter. Please note that this will not automatically adjust the width
of the title panel, so you may want to decrease the font size, (cex.title)
or increase the title panel width (title.width), or maybe both. I will
have to re-work the while process of setting up the title panels for this
to work automatically.
With respect to the color bar: try the showColorBar and showSampleNames
parameters, they should do exactly what you ask for.

On 01/05/14 11:33, "Martin Rijlaarsdam" <m.a.rijlaarsdam at gmail.com> wrote:

>Dear Sirs,
>Thank you very much for Gviz!
>I have been using it for a while now but I have two issues that I cannot
>seem to figure out.  Both are pretty trivial settings, so my apologies in
>advance. Please see  the attached image as an example.
>1) I would like to rotate the text in the title panel for some of the
>tracks (HMM, ALL, DHP) so that the text is horizontal.
>2) I would like to remove the color bar and it's legend from the heatmap.
>Ik can remove the color gradient, but the legend (20,40,60,80) remains
>visible. I want to remove it because the current presentation suggests a
>relation between the tumor types presented.
>Thanks in advance for any suggestions that you might have.
>Kind regards,
>M.A. (Martin) Rijlaarsdam MSc. MD
>Erasmus MC - University Medical Center Rotterdam
>Department of Pathology
>Room Be-432b
>Shipping adress: P.O. Box 2040, 3000 CA Rotterdam, The Netherlands
>Visiting adress: Dr. Molewaterplein 50, 3015 GE Rotterdam, The Netherlands
>Email: m.a.rijlaarsdam at gmail.com
>Mobile: +31 6 45408508
>Telephone (work): +31 10 7033409
>Fax +31 10 7044365
>Website: http://www.martinrijlaarsdam.nl

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