[BioC] Sciplot: Increasing the width of bargraph and decreasing the sapce b/n groups

Roopa Subbaiaih rss115 at case.edu
Mon May 5 20:54:56 CEST 2014


I am trying to plot bargraphs susing Sciplot. Is there a way to increase
the width of the bar graphs and decrease the space b/n the groups? I am
pasting the script as well as attaching the graph.

Bio6 <- read.csv("Data/Plin1.csv",na.strings="",header=T)
par(family="serif", font=11)
Bio6$Sps <- factor(Bio6$Sps, levels = c("FFA1", "FFA2","FFA3"))
Bio6$Gp <- factor(Bio6$Gp, levels = c("N-FFA1",
bargraph.CI(Sps, O.D, group = Gp, data = Bio6,ylab = "Relative expression
levels", cex.lab = 1.5, y.leg = 6,cex.leg = 0.82,cex=1.5, axisnames=TRUE,
col = c("red","blue","grey"),space=c(0, 0.5), ylim=c(0,7),cex.names =
1.0,density = c(30,30,30), legend = TRUE, main="PLIN1")

 O.D     Gp  Sps
1  1.000000 N-FFA1 FFA1
2  2.996432    FU1 FFA1
3  3.223413    FU1 FFA1
4  3.524465    FU1 FFA1
5  1.311971    FA1 FFA1
6  6.755860    FA1 FFA1
7  1.566000    FA1 FFA1
8  1.000000 N-FFA2 FFA2
9  2.741612    FU2 FFA2
10 2.800644    FU2 FFA2
11 3.569509    FU2 FFA2
12 4.141500    FA2 FFA2
13 7.049476    FA2 FFA2
14 4.694674    FA2 FFA2
15 1.000000 N-FFA3 FFA3
16 4.163601    FU3 FFA3
17 3.903986    FU3 FFA3
18 4.730000    FU3 FFA3
19 0.000000    FA3 FFA3
20 0.000000    FA3 FFA3
21 0.000000    FA3 FFA3
Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance, Roopa

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