[BioC] [combat] UPC availablility

W. Evan Johnson wej at bu.edu
Wed Nov 7 23:01:03 CET 2012

Kenny: The answer is yes. The Python version of SCAN provides both the SCAN normalized data as well as the UPC values. We have also released a developer version of the SCAN.UPC package that has a UPC function. Our paper for UPC is now under review, but in all cases we are seeing a mild to moderate performance improvement over the frma barcode. Also, the UPC barcode works on all Affy arrays whereas the frma version is limited.

Steve: Can you give Kenny specific instructions on how to best get UPC values from our Python or R developer package? 



On Nov 7, 2012, at 4:05 PM, Kenny Daily wrote:

> Is UPC available yet for either Python or R?
> How does it compare to the probabilities obtained from fRMA's barcode?
> Cheers,
> Kenny
> -- 

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