[BioC] Finding coding SNPs with predictCoding

Alex Gutteridge alexg at ruggedtextile.com
Fri Mar 2 10:11:53 CET 2012

Thanks Valerie - much appreciated!

On 01.03.2012 21:30, Valerie Obenchain wrote:
> A 'txLoc' column has been added to the output of predictCoding.
> Available in devel version 1.1.57.
> Valerie
> On 02/28/2012 08:20 AM, Valerie Obenchain wrote:
>> Good suggestion. Yes, predictCoding is does this internally. I'll 
>> post back here when this has been added.
>> Valerie
>> On 02/28/2012 01:49 AM, Alex Gutteridge wrote:
>>> Hi Valerie,
>>> Thanks everything works great now. One small feature request - 
>>> would it be hard to output the protein sequence position of the 
>>> coding SNPs? At the moment once I've run predictCoding I'm 
>>> re-extracting the cds and working out the position of each coding SNP 
>>> so I can see where in the protein sequence it is, but it seems like 
>>> this is probably just replicating what predictCoding must be doing 
>>> internally anyway?
>>> Alex Gutteridge
>> On 02/24/2012 10:39 AM, Valerie Obenchain wrote:
>>> Hi Alex,
>>> Thanks for the bug report. The cdsID was taken from an overlap 
>>> between the query and GRangesList of cds by transcripts. This gave 
>>> the correct transcript number but (incorrectly) took the first cds 
>>> number in the list by default. Now fixed in devel 1.1.55.
>>> I've also updated the man page.
>>> Valerie
>>> On 02/24/2012 02:08 AM, Alex Gutteridge wrote:
>>>> On 22.02.2012 18:58, Hervé Pagès wrote:
>>>>> Hi Alex,
>>>>> On 02/22/2012 03:56 AM, Alex Gutteridge wrote:
>>>> [...]
>>>>>> But the predictCoding call gives this error:
>>>>>> Error in .setSeqNames(x, value) :
>>>>>> The replacement value for isActiveSeq must be a logical vector, 
>>>>>> with
>>>>>> names that match the seqlevels of the object
>>>>> The error message doesn't help much but I think the pb is that 
>>>>> you
>>>>> didn't rename chMT properly. Try to do this:
>>>>>   seqlevels(snps) <- gsub("chrMT", "chrM", seqlevels(snps))
>>>>> before you start the for(eg in entrez.ids){..} loop again.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> H.
>>>> Thanks Hervé that nailed it. I'm having some difficulty joining up 
>>>> the output of predictCoding() with the query SNPs though. If someone 
>>>> could point out where the disconnect in my thinking is I would 
>>>> appreciate it!
>>>> Here's my (now edited down) script:
>>>> library(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19)
>>>> library(VariantAnnotation)
>>>> library(SNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP.20110815)
>>>> library(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene)
>>>> entrez.ids = c('6335')
>>>> txdb19 = TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene
>>>> snps   = getSNPlocs(c("ch1","ch2"),as.GRanges=T)
>>>> seqlevels(snps) <- gsub("ch", "chr", seqlevels(snps))
>>>> seqlevels(snps) <- gsub("chrMT", "chrM", seqlevels(snps))
>>>> gene.list = cdsBy(txdb19, by="gene")
>>>> vsd.list = gene.list[entrez.ids]
>>>> cds.list = cdsBy(txdb19,by="tx")
>>>> eg = entrez.ids[1]
>>>> snp.idx = unique(queryHits(findOverlaps(snps, vsd.list[[eg]])))
>>>> eg.snps = snps[snp.idx]
>>>> iupac   = values(eg.snps)[,"alleles_as_ambig"]
>>>> eg.snps.exp = rep(eg.snps, nchar(IUPAC_CODE_MAP[iupac]))
>>>> variant.alleles = 
>>>> DNAStringSet(strsplit(paste(IUPAC_CODE_MAP[iupac],collapse=""),"")[[1]])
>>>> aa = 
>>>> predictCoding(eg.snps.exp,txdb19,seqSource=Hsapiens,varAllele=variant.alleles)
>>>> #####
>>>> Then if I query the predictCoding results in aa in an interactive 
>>>> session I get the following (see inline comments for what I think 
>>>> should be happening, but I must be misinterpreting what queryID 
>>>> means)
>>>> The docs for predictCoding() contain a small typo 
>>>> (s/queryHits/queryID), but otherwise seem clear?
>>>> Columns include ‘queryID’, ‘consequence’, ‘refSeq’, ‘varSeq’,
>>>>      ‘refAA’, ‘varAA’, ‘txID’, ‘geneID’, and ‘cdsID’.
>>>>      ‘queryHits’ The ‘queryHits’ column provides a map back to the
>>>>           variants in the original ‘query’. If the ‘query’ was a 
>>>> ‘VCF’
>>>>           object this index corresponds to the row in the 
>>>> ‘GRanges’ in
>>>>           the ‘rowData’ slot. If ‘query’ was an expanded 
>>>> ‘GRanges’,
>>>>           ‘RangedData’ or ‘RangesList’ the index corresponds to 
>>>> the row
>>>>           in the expanded object.
>>>> #####
>>>>> aa[1,]
>>>> DataFrame with 1 row and 9 columns
>>>>     queryID   consequence         refSeq         varSeq         
>>>> refAA
>>>> <integer> <factor> <DNAStringSet> <DNAStringSet> <AAStringSet>
>>>> 1         1 nonsynonymous            CTC            ATC            
>>>> L
>>>>           varAA        txID   geneID     cdsID
>>>> <AAStringSet> <character> <factor> <integer>
>>>> 1             I       10921     6335     33668
>>>>> #So the first SNP (queryID: 1) is nonsynonymous and maps to tx 
>>>>> '10921' and cds '33668'.
>>>>> #If I look at the first query SNP I get this:
>>>>> eg.snps.exp[aa[1,'queryID'],]
>>>> GRanges with 1 range and 2 elementMetadata values:
>>>>       seqnames                 ranges strand |   RefSNP_id 
>>>> alleles_as_ambig
>>>> <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <character> <character>
>>>>   [1]     chr2 [167055370, 167055370]      * |   111558968         
>>>>      R
>>>>   ---
>>>>   seqlengths:
>>>>     chr1  chr2  chr3  chr4  chr5  chr6 ... chr20 chr21 chr22  chrX 
>>>> chrY  chrM
>>>>       NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA ...    NA    NA    NA    NA 
>>>>   NA    NA
>>>>> #So SNP 1 is at 167055370 on chr2
>>>>> #But if I check tx '10921' I see that the cds overlapping 
>>>>> 167055370 is actually '33651'
>>>>> #And cds '33668' is at the other end of the tx:
>>>>> cds.list[[aa[1,'txID']]]
>>>> GRanges with 26 ranges and 3 elementMetadata values:
>>>>        seqnames                 ranges strand   |    cds_id    
>>>> cds_name
>>>> <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle>   | <integer> <character>
>>>>    [1]     chr2 [167168009, 167168266]      -   |     33668 <NA>
>>>>    [2]     chr2 [167163466, 167163584]      -   |     33667 <NA>
>>>>    [3]     chr2 [167163020, 167163109]      -   |     33666 <NA>
>>>>    [4]     chr2 [167162302, 167162430]      -   |     33647 <NA>
>>>>    [5]     chr2 [167160748, 167160839]      -   |     33646 <NA>
>>>>    [6]     chr2 [167159600, 167159812]      -   |     33645 <NA>
>>>>    [7]     chr2 [167151109, 167151172]      -   |     33644 <NA>
>>>>    [8]     chr2 [167149741, 167149882]      -   |     33643 <NA>
>>>>    [9]     chr2 [167144947, 167145153]      -   |     33642 <NA>
>>>>    ...      ...                    ...    ... ...       ...        
>>>> ...
>>>>   [18]     chr2 [167099012, 167099166]      -   |     33659 <NA>
>>>>   [19]     chr2 [167094604, 167094777]      -   |     33658 <NA>
>>>>   [20]     chr2 [167089850, 167089972]      -   |     33657 <NA>
>>>>   [21]     chr2 [167085201, 167085482]      -   |     33656 <NA>
>>>>   [22]     chr2 [167084180, 167084233]      -   |     33655 <NA>
>>>>   [23]     chr2 [167083077, 167083214]      -   |     33654 <NA>
>>>>   [24]     chr2 [167060870, 167060974]      -   |     33653 <NA>
>>>>   [25]     chr2 [167060465, 167060735]      -   |     33652 <NA>
>>>>   [26]     chr2 [167055182, 167056374]      -   |     33651 <NA>
>>>>        exon_rank
>>>> <integer>
>>>>    [1]         2
>>>>    [2]         3
>>>>    [3]         4
>>>>    [4]         5
>>>>    [5]         6
>>>>    [6]         7
>>>>    [7]         8
>>>>    [8]         9
>>>>    [9]        10
>>>>    ...       ...
>>>>   [18]        19
>>>>   [19]        20
>>>>   [20]        21
>>>>   [21]        22
>>>>   [22]        23
>>>>   [23]        24
>>>>   [24]        25
>>>>   [25]        26
>>>>   [26]        27
>>>>   ---
>>>>   seqlengths:
>>>>                     chr1                  chr2 ... 
>>>> chr18_gl000207_random
>>>>                249250621             243199373 ...                 
>>>> 4262
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Alex Gutteridge

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