[BioC] Using readBAM function in segmentSeq

James Perkins jperkins at biochem.ucl.ac.uk
Tue Jul 3 12:58:03 CEST 2012

Dear Thomas,

I want to use the seqmentSeq package to look for intergenic expression
(lincRNAs etc.) above background.

I have case and control samples, with 3 biological replicates.

I have bam files (produced using bowtie and samtools) that read in
fine with RSamtools.

> xx <- readBamGappedAlignments("../../raw/file.sorted.bam")

However I can't get it to read the files in using readBAM in the
segmentSeq package:

>  zz <- readBAM("../../raw/file.sorted.bam", replicates=1, chrs="chr1",chrlens=267910886)
Reading files...Error in .Call2("solve_user_SEW0", start, end, width,
PACKAGE = "IRanges") :
  solving row 9146840: range cannot be determined from the supplied
arguments (too many NAs)

Am I missing an argument/doing something else wrong? I hope this is
enough information for you to go on, please let me know if not.

Many thanks!


> traceback()
8: .Call(.NAME, ..., PACKAGE = PACKAGE)
7: .Call2("solve_user_SEW0", start, end, width, PACKAGE = "IRanges")
6: solveUserSEW0(start = start, end = end, width = width)
5: IRanges(start = as.integer(tags$pos), width = tags$qwidth)
4: FUN(1L[[1L]], ...)
3: lapply(sampleNumbers, function(ii) {
       tags <- scanBam(files[ii])[[1]]
       if (!is.null(countID)) {
           counts <- Rle(scanBam(files[ii], param = ScanBamParam(tag =
       else counts <- Rle(rep(1L, length(tags$seq)))
       ir <- IRanges(start = as.integer(tags$pos), width = tags$qwidth)
       aln <- GRanges(seqnames = tags$rname, ir, strand = tags$strand,
           tag = Rle(as.character(tags$seq)), count = counts)
       aln <- aln[as.integer(seqnames(aln)) %in% which(seqlevels(aln) %in%
           chrs), ]
       if (!is.null(polyLength)) {
           polyBaseRemove <- unique(unlist(lapply(polyBase, grep,
           if (length(polyBaseRemove) > 0)
               aln <- aln[-polyBaseRemove, ]
       if (is.null(countID)) {
           aln <- aln[order(as.factor(seqnames(aln)), as.integer(start(aln)),
               as.character(values(aln)$tag)), ]
           dupTags <- which(!(as.character(seqnames(aln)) ==
               "!") & start(aln) == c(start(aln)[-1], Inf) & end(aln) ==
               c(end(aln)[-1], Inf) & as.character(strand(aln)) ==
               c(as.character(strand(aln))[-1], "!") &
as.character(values(aln)$tag) ==
               as.character(c(values(aln)$tag[-1], "!"))))
           aln <- aln[dupTags, ]
           values(aln)$count <- diff(c(0, dupTags))
       message(".", appendLF = FALSE)
2: lapply(sampleNumbers, function(ii) {
       tags <- scanBam(files[ii])[[1]]
       if (!is.null(countID)) {
           counts <- Rle(scanBam(files[ii], param = ScanBamParam(tag =
       else counts <- Rle(rep(1L, length(tags$seq)))
       ir <- IRanges(start = as.integer(tags$pos), width = tags$qwidth)
       aln <- GRanges(seqnames = tags$rname, ir, strand = tags$strand,
           tag = Rle(as.character(tags$seq)), count = counts)
       aln <- aln[as.integer(seqnames(aln)) %in% which(seqlevels(aln) %in%
           chrs), ]
       if (!is.null(polyLength)) {
           polyBaseRemove <- unique(unlist(lapply(polyBase, grep,
           if (length(polyBaseRemove) > 0)
               aln <- aln[-polyBaseRemove, ]
       if (is.null(countID)) {
           aln <- aln[order(as.factor(seqnames(aln)), as.integer(start(aln)),
               as.character(values(aln)$tag)), ]
           dupTags <- which(!(as.character(seqnames(aln)) ==
               "!") & start(aln) == c(start(aln)[-1], Inf) & end(aln) ==
               c(end(aln)[-1], Inf) & as.character(strand(aln)) ==
               c(as.character(strand(aln))[-1], "!") &
as.character(values(aln)$tag) ==
               as.character(c(values(aln)$tag[-1], "!"))))
           aln <- aln[dupTags, ]
           values(aln)$count <- diff(c(0, dupTags))
       message(".", appendLF = FALSE)
1: readBAM("../../raw/file.sorted.bam",
       replicates = 1, chrs = "chr1", chrlens = 267910886)

> sessionInfo()
R version 2.15.0 (2012-03-30)
Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit)

 [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US             LC_NUMERIC=C
 [3] LC_TIME=en_GB.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_GB.UTF-8
 [7] LC_PAPER=C                 LC_NAME=C
 [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base

other attached packages:
 [1] segmentSeq_1.8.0    ShortRead_1.14.4    latticeExtra_0.6-19
 [4] RColorBrewer_1.0-5  Rsamtools_1.8.5     lattice_0.20-6
 [7] Biostrings_2.24.1   GenomicRanges_1.8.7 IRanges_1.14.4
[10] BiocGenerics_0.2.0  baySeq_1.10.0

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] Biobase_2.16.0 bitops_1.0-4.1 grid_2.15.0    hwriter_1.3    stats4_2.15.0
[6] zlibbioc_1.2.0

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