[BioC] [lumi] methyLumiR upload error of 450k

Geoff Woodward geoff.woodward at bristol.ac.uk
Wed Jan 18 18:36:59 CET 2012

Dear All,
I've just started working with 450k data.
I'm trying out a few different Bioconductor packages but keep running into 
problems. When I read the "FinalReport" from GenomeStudio with lumiMethyR() 
I get the following error:

> testData <- lumiMethyR(filename="FinalReport.txt", 
Error in .getFinalReportBlock(filename, blockname = blockname, blocks = 
blocks,  :
  The block called "[SAMPLE METHYLATION PROFILE]" in the file 
"E:/5975819001/ExtractionMethodFinalReport.txt" is not present and needs to 
be.  Please re-export from beadstudio

 But when I create the report, I check all of the options to make sure I'm 
not missing anything (even though this obviously makes the files huge). Any 

I've managed to load IDAT files through the lumimethy package, is there a 
way of converting the resulting MethylumiSet to MethyLumi?

Any help would be amazing,


Geoff Woodward
Research Associate in Bioinformatics
School of Social and Community Medicine
University of Bristol
Oakfield House
Oakfield Grove
Bristol BS8 2BN

E: geoff.woodward at bristol.ac.uk
T: 0117 33 13315

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