[BioC] edgeR and tagwise dispersion: overcorrection for multiple tests?
alessandro.guffanti at genomnia.com
alessandro.guffanti at genomnia.com
Wed Apr 4 16:30:06 CEST 2012
Dear all, I am new to this list so kindly forgive me if this question
has been already answered -
but in this case I would be grateful if you could point me to the right
I am using edgeR for DEG analysis of SAGE tags and I noticed that, when
using tagwise instead of common dispersion, the number of differentially
expressed genes raises if I consider uncorrected P-values.
However, apparently the number of genes called siginficant with
BH-corrected drops significantly
Is there a rationale behind this or it is just my impression ?
Thanks in advance and kind regards,
Alessandro G.
Alessandro Guffanti - Head, Bioinformatics, Genomnia srl
Via Nerviano, 31 - 20020 Lainate, Milano, Italy
Ph: +39-0293305.702 Fax: +39-0293305.777
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