[BioC] Bug in package plsRglm?

Carlos J. Gil Bellosta gilbellosta at gmail.com
Thu Mar 17 07:20:12 CET 2011


I am submitting this mail to this address as it is the one provided in
the gpls package for maintenance.

I think I came accross a bug in the glpls1a.cv.error function in such
package. This function calls the unexported function


which is defined as follows:

function (X, beta, family = "binomial", link = "logit")
   if (all(X[, 1] == rep(1, nrow(X)))) {
       eta <- X %*% beta
   else {
       eta <- cbind(rep(1, nrow(X)), X) %*% beta
   return(h(eta, family, link))

I.e., the function checks whether the first row in the new data is all
ones (looking for an intercept maybe?) and if so, decides that X and
beta are conformable. As I was applying a cv analysis, nrow( X ) was 1
and the first element in X was 1 just by chance for one observation
(not an intercept) so the the wrong option was taken resulting in
"non-conformable arguments" for matrix multiplication.

Is there a safer way to check for intercepts other than comparing the
first row to a vector of ones?

Best regards,

Carlos J. Gil Bellosta

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