[BioC] beadarray: Running BASH for 120 sections
Gavin Koh
gavin.koh at gmail.com
Wed Apr 6 14:13:41 CEST 2011
Thanks. Is it possible to setWeights() for parts of my beadData object
instead? That would involve a lot less rewriting... G.
On 6 April 2011 12:30, Mike Smith <grimbough at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Gavin,
> I'm sending this to the BioC list as well so there's a record for anyone
> else looking for advice.
> The code you've suggested isn't quite what I had in mind. In this case, I
> was suggesting the combine() function should be used on the beadData objects
> after the weights have been set. Hopefully the pseudo code below will be
> understandable (anything in quotes needs to be specified for your data).
> So on our cluster I would run multiple R sessions. The I would read a
> subset of the arrays in each session so:
> For sesssion 1:
> beadData1 <- readIllumina("sections 1 : N")
> For session 2:
> beadData2 <- readIllumina("sections N+1 : 2N")
> etc...
> I find sticking to a BeadChip per R session is convenient, mostly due to the
> folder structure produced by BeadScan.
> Then in each R session you can run something like the following:
> ..."Any pre-BASH processing you like"....
> BASHoutput <- BASH(beadData, array = 1:N)
> beadData <- setWeights(beadData, bashOutput$wts, array=1:N)
> save(beadData, file = "beadData session N")
> quit...
> I'd then open a new R session and load the various beadData objects.
> You can then combine them with:
> beadData <- combine(beadData1, beadData2).
> If you have more than two you'll probably need a loop, I don't think our
> combine function takes more than two at a time, but it's worth checking the
> man page for that.
> You should then have one large beadData object with all the arrays and BASH
> weights. As an alternative, you could skip the combining step, don't close
> the separate R session and do any further processing right up to the
> summarization step. I think I'm right in saying none of the QC, QA etc
> requires information between chips, so each can be process independently.
> That's probably all a bit messy, but feel free to ask any more questions.
> Mike
> On Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 11:25 PM, Gavin Koh <gavin.koh at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear Mike,
>> Thanks for replying so quickly.
>> R exits and throws me back to the system prompt.
>> I'll try running array 53 alone first to see if that is the problem.
>> If that is not the problem, then I would like to try breaking it up
>> into batches as you suggest.
>> I've not used the bioBase combine() function before, but looking at
>> the help file, I would think that I could do
>> bashOutput1 <- BASH(beadData, array=1:12)
>> bashOutput2 <- BASH(beadData, array=13:24)
>> .
>> .
>> .
>> bashOutput <- combine(bashOutput1, bashOutput2,...bashOutputn)
>> beadData <- setWeights(beadData, bashOutput$wts, array=1:n)
>> Am I right?
>> Thanks,
>> Gavin.
>> On 5 April 2011 13:30, Mike Smith <grimbough at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Hi Gavin,
>> >
>> > I'm afraid that particular error means nothing to me. Does R exit too,
>> > or
>> > does BASH stop and return you to an interactive session?
>> >
>> > I found this very old post on R exit codes
>> > (http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/R/help/02b/3168.html), which may be
>> > relevant but I'm speculating at the moment.
>> >
>> > Is there anything particularly unusual with the 53rd array? If you try
>> > to
>> > BASH that array in isolation e.g. BASHoutput <- BASH(beadData, array=53)
>> > does it proceed ok?
>> >
>> > If it is a memory problem then it may be worth waiting for the next
>> > Bioconductor release in about a week. I recently discovered a memory
>> > leak
>> > and a small bug that could cause a segfault in the BASH C code, which
>> > I've
>> > patched in the developmental version. I conducted a test this morning
>> > with
>> > 4 HumanV3 sections and the memory leak was about 100MB, which isn't
>> > ideal,
>> > but with a 16GB limit I'd have thought you'd have enough head room not
>> > to be
>> > affected by it.
>> >
>> > Personally I've never tried to BASH so many sections in one go, but
>> > there's
>> > reason it shouldn't work (memory and time permitting). What we tend to
>> > do
>> > is read a smaller number of sections (say a single BeadChip) into an R
>> > session and process each in separately. We then save each separate
>> > object
>> > once it's been processed, load them all into a new R session and use the
>> > combine() function to create a single beadLevelData object. That way it
>> > can
>> > be done in sort of coarse grained parallel.
>> >
>> > As far as making it parallel in a more friendly way, that's something
>> > we're
>> > working on, but it's not an imminent release.
>> >
>> > I hope that's some help,
>> >
>> >
>> > On Mon, Apr 4, 2011 at 9:51 PM, Gavin Koh <gavin.koh at gmail.com> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> I have 60 samples which were run on an Illumina HumanWG-6 v3.0
>> >> Expression BeadChip (so 120 sections) and I am doing the
>> >> pre-processing using beadarray.
>> >>
>> >> I am trying to generate spatial masks using BASH(). I have
>> >> successfully run a smaller analysis (one slide of 12 sections) on my
>> >> MacBook OSX Snow Leopard with 4Gb RAM using beadarray 2.7.
>> >>
>> >> The command I used to call BASH was:
>> >> BASHoutput <- BASH(beadData, array=1:n)
>> >>
>> >> I am running the full analysis (120 sections) on a computing cluster
>> >> (lustre). I have only requested a single core with 16Gb RAM, because I
>> >> don't know how to get BASH() to multithread (although in theory it
>> >> ought to be possible? it is a repetitive process after all). I cannot
>> >> get the script past 53 sections, without bash() terminating with exit
>> >> code "user code 2". Doesn't matter if I am running it interactively or
>> >> calling R CMD BATCH. I don't know what the exit code means, so I don't
>> >> know how to fix it. I don't think it is out of memory, because lustre
>> >> has other codes for reporting out-of-memory and R usually reports
>> >> out-of-memory errors as "cannot allocate vector of size..."? Also, the
>> >> previous time it ran out of memory (when I tried 6 Gb RAM), it was
>> >> lustre that terminated the process.
>> >>
>> >> I don't know if the problem is that BASH() cannot handle so many
>> >> sections. If that is in fact the problem, then there are two solutions
>> >> I can think of: 1. get BASH() to run multithreaded, or 2. run BASH()
>> >> on selected sections only.
>> >>
>> >> On inspection of the pseudoimages, I can see there are only two
>> >> sections of the 120 with obvious spatial defects (they look like
>> >> scratches). Is it possible to find outliers on the other sections
>> >> using the usual (faster) method (>3MAD) and then just use BASH() for
>> >> the two sections that are defective only? or...is there a tool to just
>> >> draw the masks myself??
>> >>
>> >> Thanks in advance,
>> >>
>> >> Gavin
>> >>
>> >> sessionInfo() reports:
>> >> R version 2.12.0 (2010-10-15)
>> >> Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit)
>> >>
>> >> locale:
>> >> [3] LC_TIME=en_GB.UTF-8 LC_COLLATE=en_GB.UTF-8
>> >> [7] LC_PAPER=en_GB.UTF-8 LC_NAME=C
>> >>
>> >> attached base packages:
>> >> [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
>> >>
>> >> other attached packages:
>> >> [1] beadarray_2.0.6 Biobase_2.10.0
>> >>
>> >> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
>> >> [1] limma_3.6.6
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> Hofstadter's Law: It always takes longer than you expect, even when
>> >> you take into account Hofstadter's Law.
>> >> —Douglas Hofstadter (in Gödel, Escher, Bach, 1979)
>> >>
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>> >
>> > --
>> > Mike Smith
>> > PhD Student
>> > Computational Biology Group
>> > Cambridge University
>> >
>> --
>> Hofstadter's Law: It always takes longer than you expect, even when
>> you take into account Hofstadter's Law.
>> —Douglas Hofstadter (in Gödel, Escher, Bach, 1979)
> --
> Mike Smith
> PhD Student
> Computational Biology Group
> Cambridge University
Hofstadter's Law: It always takes longer than you expect, even when
you take into account Hofstadter's Law.
—Douglas Hofstadter (in Gödel, Escher, Bach, 1979)
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