[BioC] beadarray locs files

Alex Gutteridge alexg at ruggedtextile.com
Thu Nov 18 17:30:36 CET 2010


I'm trying to use the BASH() function in beadarray. The docs say that BASH
will try to use .locs files if available to save computation. I have .locs
files, but they don't seem to conform to the naming convention that
beadarray expects. The relevant bit from generateNeighbours() seems to be:

locsFileName <- file.path(BLData at sectionData$Targets$directory[array], 
        paste(BLData at sectionData$Targets$sectionName[array], 
            "_Grn.locs", sep = ""))

For my data for array this corresponds to a filename (directory path


But in the data provided by my collaborator I have two .locs files per
array (not sure why...):


Is there anyway I can hack either the generateNeighbours() code or the
.locs files themselves to get them read?

Alex Gutteridge

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