[BioC] The question about “NPI” normalization method

Ning lin6 at niaid.nih.gov
Tue Nov 2 14:19:01 CET 2010

Hi Wolfgang,

I have 4 different positive controls in my screen and I want to use “NPI” method
to normalize the plates.
Whether can I define the specific one as the positive control to be applied to
this method?

The following is the partial scripts about positive controls 

posControls <- vector("character", length=dim(Data(x))[3])
posControls[1] <- list(act="(?i)^ntc2pluslps$",
posControls[2] <- list(act="(?i)^ntc2pluslps$",

So how can I use “ntc2pluslps” in channel 1 as the specific positive control?

Many thanks

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