[BioC] snapCGH; export results of summarize.clones() function from aCGH

Steven McKinney smckinney at bccrc.ca
Tue Jun 26 00:23:35 CEST 2007

Hi Ian,

On 25 Jun 2007, at 11:58, Ian Roberts wrote:

> I've got snapCGH set up and running well - and drawing all the  
> plots I need.  However I am struggling to export a list of clones  
> from the summarize.clones function.  That is, a list of  clones  
> present in the segmented regions of the genome across all samples  
> contained in the SegInfo object.  I am sure a function was  
> available in earlier snapCGH versions 'export clones' but doesn't  
> seem to be there now?
> Thanks for your help.
> Ian
> __________________
> Ian Roberts PhD
> MRC Cancer Cell Unit
> Hutchison/MRC Research Centre
> Box 197
> Hills Road
> Cambridge. CB2 0XZ
> United Kingdom
> Tel +44 1223 763 279
> ir210 at hutchison-mrc.cam.ac.uk
> www.hutchison-mrc.cam.ac.uk

Using the latest version of snapCGH() installed with
biocLite(), I see that the current version of the
function summarize.clones() returns a data frame
of results.  

(Note also that summarize.clones() is in the
package "aCGH" that snapCGH loads.)

The return clause of the function
is wrapped with "invisible()" so you won't
see the returned data frame if you invoke the
command in an interactive R session.

The help page for summarize.clones() shows
a basic example


You can capture the resultant
data frame into a user variable, e.g.

foo <- summarize.clones(colorectal)

Object "foo" will be a data frame that
you can view, or export to an external
file using write.table() or write.csv().

Or you can just output the results of
summarize.clones() directly, e.g.

write.csv(summarize.clones(colorectal), file = "colo.clone.summary.csv")

Hope this answers your question.
Steven McKinney

More details:

> sessionInfo()
R version 2.5.0 (2007-04-23) 


attached base packages:
 [1] "splines"   "grid"      "tools"     "stats"     "graphics"  "grDevices" "utils"     "datasets"  "methods"   "base"     

other attached packages:
     snapCGH         aCGH          sma     multtest      cluster         GLAD          aws      DNAcopy  tilingArray       pixmap 
     "1.4.0"     "1.10.0"     "0.5.15"     "1.14.0"     "1.11.6"     "1.10.0"      "1.3-2"     "1.10.0"     "1.14.0"      "0.4-7" 
 geneplotter     annotate   genefilter     survival          vsn  strucchange     sandwich          zoo RColorBrewer         affy 
    "1.14.0"     "1.14.1"     "1.14.1"       "2.31"      "2.2.0"      "1.3-2"      "2.0-2"      "1.3-1"      "0.2-3"     "1.14.0" 
      affyio      Biobase        limma     glmmADMB      lattice          DBI        RODBC 
     "1.4.0"     "1.14.0"     "2.10.4"        "0.3"     "0.15-5"      "0.2-3"      "1.2-1" 

> summarize.clones(colorectal)
> foo <- summarize.clones(colorectal)
> class(foo)
[1] "data.frame"
> dim(foo)
[1] 2031   10
> foo[1:10, ]
         Clone           Target Chrom    kb NumPresent.All NumGain.All NumLost.All PropPresent.All PropGain.All PropLost.All
2   RP11-82D16  HumArray2H11_C9     1  2009             39           4           7            0.98         0.10         0.18
3   RP11-62M23 HumArray2H10_N30     1  3368             35           1           7            0.88         0.03         0.20
4   RP11-111O5 HumArray2H10_B18     1  4262             38           1           9            0.95         0.03         0.24
5    RP11-51B4 HumArray2H10_Q30     1  6069             35           0          10            0.88         0.00         0.29
6   RP11-60J11 HumArray2H10_T30     1  6817             36           1           7            0.90         0.03         0.19
7   RP11-813J5 HumArray2H10_B19     1  9498             30           0           8            0.75         0.00         0.27
8   RP11-199O1 HumArray2H10_W30     1 10284             39           1           5            0.98         0.03         0.13
9   RP11-188F7  HumArray2H9_C14     1 12042             36           1           4            0.90         0.03         0.11
10 RP11-178M15  HumArray2H9_F14     1 13349             35           1           4            0.88         0.03         0.11
11  RP11-219F4  HumArray2H9_I14     1 14391             39           1           7            0.98         0.03         0.18
> attributes(foo)
 [1] "Clone"           "Target"          "Chrom"           "kb"              "NumPresent.All"  "NumGain.All"     "NumLost.All"    
 [8] "PropPresent.All" "PropGain.All"    "PropLost.All"   

   [1] "2"      "3"      "4"      "5"      "6"      "7"      "8"      "9"      "10"     "11"     "12"     "13"     "14"    


> write.csv(summarize.clones(colorectal), file = "colo.clone.summary.csv")

> summarize.clones
function (aCGH.obj, resT = NULL, pheno = rep(1, ncol(aCGH.obj)), 
    rsp.uniq = unique(pheno), thres = 0.25, factor = 2.5, all = length(rsp.uniq) == 
        1 && is.null(resT), titles = if (all) "all" else rsp.uniq) 
    if (!is.null(sd.samples(aCGH.obj)) && (factor > 0)) {
        thres <- factor * (sd.samples(aCGH.obj)$madGenome)
    data <- log2.ratios(aCGH.obj)
    datainfo <- clones.info(aCGH.obj)
    rsp.uniq <- sort(rsp.uniq)
    colmatr <- if (length(rsp.uniq) > 1) 
        t(sapply(rsp.uniq, function(rsp.uniq.level) ifelse(pheno == 
            rsp.uniq.level, 1, 0)))
    else matrix(rep(1, length(pheno)), ncol = length(pheno), 
        nrow = 1)
    data.thres <- threshold.func(data, posThres = thres)
    bac.summary <- table.bac.func(dat = data.thres, colMatr = colmatr)
    if (!is.null(resT)) {
        res <- resT[order(resT$index), ]
        bac.summary <- cbind(bac.summary, res$teststat, res$rawp, 
    bac.summary <- as.data.frame(bac.summary)
    nms <- c("NumPresent", "NumGain", "NumLost", "PropPresent", 
        "PropGain", "PropLost")
    cnames <- colnames(bac.summary)
    cnames[1:6] <- paste(nms, "All", sep = ".")
    if (nrow(colmatr) > 1) 
        for (m in 1:length(rsp.uniq)) cnames[(6 * m + 1):(6 * 
            (m + 1))] <- paste(nms, titles[m], sep = ".")
    if (!is.null(resT)) 
        cnames[(ncol(bac.summary) - 2):ncol(bac.summary)] <- c("stat", 
            "rawp", "adjp")
    colnames(bac.summary) <- cnames
    bac.summary <- cbind(datainfo, bac.summary)

Steven McKinney

Molecular Oncology and Breast Cancer Program
British Columbia Cancer Research Centre

email: smckinney at bccrc.ca

tel: 604-675-8000 x7561

Molecular Oncology
675 West 10th Ave, Floor 4
Vancouver B.C. 
V5Z 1L3

-----Original Message-----
From: Natalie Thorne [mailto:npt22 at cam.ac.uk]
Sent: Mon 6/25/2007 5:15 AM
To: ir210 at hutchison-mrc.cam.ac.uk
Cc: Mike Smith; J-C. Marioni; Steven McKinney
Subject: Re: snapCGH

Hi Ian,
I've no idea about this specific question as I'm not the maintainer  
of snapCGH.  Mike Smith would know about this since he wrote most of  
the code - I don't know if he has finished his exams yet or not.  
Steve McKinney might also be able to help.  I've cc'd Mike and Steve  
to see if they can answer your question.  They will probably forward  
the question and response to the Bioconductor mail list, since this  
is the forum that is usually used for asking and answering any  
questions about bioc packages (i.e. others may have similar questions  
or find the answers and discussions useful).  You'll probably find  
emailing the bioc list the fastest way to get a (useful) response in  
the future.

On 25 Jun 2007, at 11:58, Ian Roberts wrote:

> Dear Nathalie,
> Hope you are well, and don't mind an email question about snapCGH -  
> I asked John, but haven't heard back so assume he is off writing  
> thesis.
> I've got snapCGH set up and running well - and drawing all the  
> plots I need.  However I am struggling to export a list of clones  
> from the summarize.clones function.  That is, a list of  clones  
> present in the segmented regions of the genome across all samples  
> contained in the SegInfo object.  I am sure a function was  
> available in earlier snapCGH versions 'export clones' but doesn't  
> seem to be there now?
> Thanks for your help.
> Ian
> __________________
> Ian Roberts PhD
> MRC Cancer Cell Unit
> Hutchison/MRC Research Centre
> Box 197
> Hills Road
> Cambridge. CB2 0XZ
> United Kingdom
> Tel +44 1223 763 279
> ir210 at hutchison-mrc.cam.ac.uk
> www.hutchison-mrc.cam.ac.uk

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