[BioC] another quick question about Illumina annotation

Pan Du dupan at northwestern.edu
Fri Dec 28 05:24:28 CET 2007

Hi, Xiaoyue,

The released version of lumi Annotation packages (names started with
lumixxx) from Bioconductor were based on the EntrezID information provided
by Illumina and built by Annbuilder package. As a result, some probes do not
have EntrezID information. We will build the nuID annotation packages by
blasting RefSeq very soon. Currently, we provide a web service for nuID
annotation. Please visit this website to retrieve annotation of the nuIDs or
probe sequences. 



On 12/27/07 3:26 PM, "Zhao, Xiaoyue" <zhaox at cshl.edu> wrote:

> Hi Pan,
> Sorry that I have to bother you one more question. The following probe
> sequence corresponds to a very important gene NANOG. Why is that there is no
> match after I use lookUp function? It was from the Beadstudio output.
>> data <- "lumiMouseV1"
>> what <- "ENTREZID"
>> x <- seq2id(seq)
>> lookUp(x,data=data,what=what)
> $x3FLVAQCd0LXinhCpU
> [1] NA
> Thanks a lot,
> Xiaoyue

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