[BioC] help with ath1121501

Martin Olivier martinol at ensam.inra.fr
Fri Oct 13 14:32:09 CEST 2006

Hi all,

I have (again) some problems to use the package ath1121501.
I don't understand the difference between ath1121501G02PROBE and

I made a list listGO2GENE to have for each term GO all the genes that belong
to this term GO. For this, I use ath1121501G02PROBE  or
ath1121501GO2ALLPROBES. The problem is that the result depends on the choice
between ath1121501G02PROBE  or ath1121501GO2ALLPROBES.

For example, if I use ath1121501G02PROBE, listGO2GENE["GO:0008104"] gives me
three genes in the the GO term GO:0008104
[1] "AT1G48090" "AT3G50380" "AT5G24740"

and if I use ath1121501GO2ALLPROBES, I obtain more than 570 genes
for this GO term...

So what is the right file I have to use to obtain the list that gives me 
all the genes
(in TAIR format) for a particular GO term.

Here under, I give you the code  I used  to obtain the list 
listGO2GENE...may be
the pb is in my code??But it corresponds to a part of the code GOHyperG, 
so it
would be right...

listGO2GENE<- sapply(goV, function(x) {
  if (length(x) == 0 || is.na(x))
  lls <- unique(unlist(mget(x, 
  lls <- lls[!is.na(lls)]

Thanks for your help,

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