[BioC] help with KEGG or KEGGSOAP

Nianhua Li nli at fhcrc.org
Tue Nov 21 21:02:22 CET 2006

Dear Alan,

I have updated KEGGSOAP (1.9.1) in bioconductor 2.0 repository so that it is
compatible with KEGG API version 6.0. It should work in R 2.4 (with either SSOAP
 0.3 or 0.4) as well.

I add functions: 
	  * search.compounds.by.name
	  * search.glycans.by.name
	  * search.compounds.by.mass
	  * search.glycans.by.mass
	  * search.compounds.by.composition
	  * search.glycans.by.composition
	  * search.compounds.by.subcomp
	  * search.glycans.by.kcam
          * bget (useful for generating queries for search.compounds.by.subcomp etc)

KEGG API changelog: http://www.genome.jp/kegg/soap/changelog.html
KEGG API reference: http://www.genome.jp/kegg/docs/keggapi_manual.html

PS: I will send you windows binary offline



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