[BioC] help with KEGG or KEGGSOAP

ALAN SMITH alansmith2 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 17 23:30:38 CET 2006

I would like to access the KEGG database from R and a create list of
compound IDs from neutral masses. Does anyone know if this is possible
in R and if so how one could perform it in R.  I also am not able to
get the examples to work in KEGGSOAP. The error is this examples
occurs in the other expampes
> sessionInfo()
R version 2.4.0 (2006-10-03)

attached base packages:
[1] "methods"   "stats"     "graphics"  "grDevices" "utils"     "datasets"
[7] "base"

other attached packages:
KEGGSOAP    SSOAP    RCurl      XML     KEGG
 "1.8.0"  "0.4-0"  "0.8-0"  "1.2-0"  "1.8.1"

>   if(require("SSOAP") && require("XML")){
+         genes <- get.genes.by.pathway("path:eco00020")
+         enzymes <- get.enzymes.by.pathway("path:eco00020")
+         compounds <- get.compounds.by.pathway("path:eco00020")
+         reactions <- get.reactions.by.pathway("path:eco00020")
+     }
Error in curlPerform(postfields = txt, writeFunction = bodyDataFun$update,  :
        couldn't connect to host

> get.reactions.by.pathway("path:eco00020")
Error in curlPerform(postfields = txt, writeFunction = bodyDataFun$update,  :
        couldn't connect to host

Currently, I have to query KEGG by hand and is taking considerable
time.  Any help will be greatly appreciated!!!!!

Thank You,
Alan Smith
University of Wisconsin-Madison

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