[BioC] justGCRMA error in BioC 1.8

echang4 at life.uiuc.edu echang4 at life.uiuc.edu
Wed May 3 17:31:14 CEST 2006

I recently updated R v2.3 and BioConductor 1.8.  I tried to use justGCRMA,
but it's giving me the following error.  My code has always worked in the
past.  Can someone help point out my error?

Thank you,
Edmund Chang

> pd <- read.phenoData("pheno.txt", header=TRUE, row.names=1)
> eset <-justGCRMA(filenames= rownames (pData(pd)), phenoData= pd, verbose=T)
Error in .Call("ReadHeader", filenames[[1]], compress, PACKAGE = "affy") :
        C entry point "ReadHeader" not in DLL for package "affy"

> sessionInfo()
Version 2.3.0 (2006-04-24)

attached base packages:
[1] "tools"     "methods"   "stats"     "graphics"  "grDevices" "utils"
[7] "datasets"  "base"

other attached packages:
 hgu133acdf       gcrma matchprobes        affy      affyio     Biobase
   "1.12.0"     "2.4.0"     "1.4.0"    "1.10.0"     "1.0.0"    "1.10.0"

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