[BioC] visualizing limma results

daniela marconi daniela.marconi at libero.it
Wed Jan 4 20:27:32 CET 2006

Hi to everybody
I have  used limma to find out genes with different expression with high level of confidence in a Multiclass comaparison.

Now I need to visualize by a heatmap our results.
Only for visualization pourposes using functions heatmap and heatmap.2 I 've tried to separete  different classes with the most significant genes. But I didn't succeded!
Is it strange? No? Or may be am I misinterpreting something?

I expected a good separation yet with genes that have a significant adjusted p.value (less then e-5)...but nothing happened...So I tried to filter also by log odds (B>3) and Coefficient (Coeff<-2 and Coeff>2)...but I didn't manage to separate different classes comparing for example sM vs UM.

Have you any suggestions for visualizing limma results with heatmap?Is it incorrect to expect a separation of classes by heatmap with limma selected genes?

Thanks in advance 

Here you can find part of my R code:

>dupcor <- duplicateCorrelation(MAlast,design=design)

#####tab is a summary genereted in the workspace matrix with a function like write.fit , containing all of information of fit2COR
>a<-which(tab$Genes.ID!="empty" & tab$Res.UM.sM!=0 & tab$B.UM.sM>2 & tab$p.value.UM.sM<0.000001

>q<-which(MAlast$targets$Cy5=="sM" )

>heatmap.2(heatMATRIX,col=redgreen(75), scale="row", key=TRUE, symkey=FALSE, density.info="none", trace="none", cexRow=0.5)

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